• EXERCISE (dropped off; started watching nutrition)
    • continue working on this goal. create a workout plan. aim to exercise 30 minutes every day (4 days min.).(nope aim for 3-4)
    • use a planner. set goals. cultivate a vision for who and where you want to be by the end of the year.
  • READ BOOKS (meh)
    • 20-30 minutes daily. see reading lists. take notes. update: not happening. try 20-40 minutes few times a week instead daily. UPDATE 2: still struggling but I started the Emma Goldman autobiography this year
  • UFYH (good progress)
    • 20-30 minutes a day of cleaning/decluttering/organizing etc. Stay on top of chores like dishes and laundry.
  • SCHOOL (going good!)
    • finish Induction program and clear teaching credential. Set up meeting to learn more about TCSJ Masters program.
  • BUDGETING $$ ( time to review )
    • spend less on food. decrease amount of eating out. reward self for reaching goals instead of splurging.
    • note: find a way to measure this goal
    • duolingo. listen to/translate Spanish music, podcasts, telenovelas. practice speaking. study 20-30 minutes daily.
dec 29 2017 ∞
dec 23 2018 +