- prioritizing physical health
- gym every day that i'm not spending time with people/have another prior arrangement
- current rotation
- chest, shoulders, triceps
- back, biceps, core
- leg day
- hitting protein goals and actually eating meals of substance
- no more losing weight and feeling like shit
- just buy groceries and stop eating out, cooking can be another good way to pass time and maybe enjoy it
- prioritizing mental health
- therapy no less than every 3 weeks, every other if you can afford it
- even if you have nothing to really talk about, it can't hurt to explore your thoughts with another person
- focus on a wholistic lifestyle
- time that you find yourself not enjoying anything can be spent meditating, walking outside, practicing yoga, etc. - use your time better
- nightly meditation
- listen to books on Spotify to keep your mind busy
- decide what your next certification/educational goal is going to be - whether it be related to work or entirely different
dec 2 2024 ∞
dec 2 2024 +