there is something so pure and delightful about working with a student that speaks english as a second language. helping them with parts of their paper or whatever they come in to work on, then watching them start to formulate their own sentences using what they've learned from you and create something really beautiful out of it brings such a warm, happy smile to my face! this came from a session i worked with someone on about their poetry discussion post. they came up with an alternate ending for a robert frost poem where the narrator meets the love of their life, and instead of leaving the woods and going back to their respective lives, they leave it together with the goal of making a beautiful future together and making each other's lives better. not just the wholesome, beautiful ending they came up with, but also some other sentences they came up with and their good attitude about changing sentences and working on their english. idk i just had that really happy feeling come across me once or twice during the session and i thought it was worth recording somewhere.