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I'm a Spanish 33 year old fat balding guy. I'm doing a PhD in architecture, work as a freelance for a consultancy and I also teach languages and other subjects to people of all ages. I have a slumbering passion for the arts which I haven't pursued in a very long time now. I would like to fix that somehow.

listography NEW NEWS
TheSpiritofTh... music (Bands I've Seen Live )
  • Beagle, Peter S.: The Last Unicorn
  • Brontë, Emily: Wuthering Heights
  • Card, Orson Scott: La tierra desprevenida
  • Leckie, Ann: Ancillary Justice
  • Lem, Stanislav: Ciberiada
  • Mcdonald, Gregory: Fletch
apr 27 2015 ∞
dec 24 2016 +