- keys
- cell phone
- eclipse gum
- school i.d.
- senior prom invitation
- reciept for auto repair
- wallet
- 10 dollar bill
- change
- checkbook
- business cards
- delia's frequent buyer card
- friends/family photos
- movie stubs
- i.d.
- debit card
- 2 walmart gifcards
- expired wild adventures passport
- transaction book
- 5 reciepts
- half a bottle of strawberry kiwi propel
- blistex
- ink pen
- ipod
- payroll check
- deodorant
- hair tie
- bag of necessities
- 2 tampons
- panty liner
- eyelash curler
- eye drops
- floss
- mirror
- hand sanitizer
- bobby pins
- nail file
- 50cent
mar 24 2009 ∞
mar 24 2009 +