• Casey Ca-Ca--what loved ones used to call me when I was very young
  • Casey Boo-Boo--also a nickname from when I was very young. My Meme had a stuffed bear named Boo-Boo bear. Maybe that's where this name came from? Also might have had something to do with me pouting/whining
  • Rat/Big Rat--I dunno how this started, but it's what my Grampy calls me
  • Thelma--my older cousins called me Thelma and now they've got their kids calling me Thelma
  • Lucy/Luce--Mom's nickname for me
  • Case-Face/Face/Facey--Emma Stone.
  • Case-ah-dee-ah--Margaret (Margarita) & Bridget
jan 4 2009 ∞
feb 4 2009 +