• Norman Kitty Bates; from when I was a toddler till I was probably 15 or 16.
  • Rusty (dog); he stayed outside in a little dog house. I remember trying to walk him and him being too strong for me.
  • Gabby (dog); from around 3rd grade to maybe sophomore year. Mom came home one day and found her just lying dead in the front yard.
  • Alfonce (goldfish); got him with Ronnie Jo at some sort of a fair at Asa Adams. Dad named him. I remember it looked like he grew some sort of mold on him. I didn't have one of those things that made bubbles in the tank. Probably should have had one of those.
  • Simmy (gerbil)
    • Dad picked him up by the tail once and Simmy dropped back into his cage, without his tail, which was still being held by Dad. I cried.
    • I thought I lost him a bunch of times. Once I was crying on my bed because I thought he was dead, and he was inside my sweatshirt! He got out of his cage a couple of times and I thought for sure Norman had gotten him.
    • When he died, Aunt Eileen came over to console me. I had found him dead in his cage.
  • Stanley (my current cat)
    • Probably the coolest cat ever
    • Test drove him the second half of my Junior year at UMF.
    • He was Greg Bingham's cat, but he always liked me, since he was a kitten and Greg wasn't too fond of him.
    • When he was with me for that one semester, he got a urinary tract infection. It cost $500 (which Meme and Grampy kindly paid me for afterward). After that, I decided he was mine.
    • He's spent the past 3 summers with Mom in Veazie, being an outdoor cat. I think he's growing on her.
    • He came home one day last summer with his tail dragging on the ground. When we moved to Windham, I brought him to the vet's to get it amputated. He ripped the stitches out (and bled all over the carpet!) so we had to go back and get him restitched. Now he's got about 2 inches of tail.
    • He can jump pretty high.
oct 19 2008 ∞
jan 16 2009 +