- day out in glasgow with amber
- brunch at mesa (black pudding stack)
- charity shops along duke street/east end, shopping in glasgow city centre, pints at waxy o'connors, drinks with will at home
- dinner at dennistoun bbq with ribh
- unexpected teambuilding day at escape rooms with john, brian, hazel, karen, taj, lesley and mae
- matthew moved into our flat
- my birthday - turned 26 years old!
- boring day at work - but with cake, singing happy birthday, and present/card from hazel, bryan, estera, sophia and karen
- text message from j. and other messages
- delicious dinner - mussels in creamy white wine sauce and buffalo and blue cheese loaded fries - at the palais with ribh and matthew
- trip home to cd for the weekend
- spending time with my niece h.r, international women's day charcuterie board!
- quiz at troqueer church with becky, naomi, kirsty, lauren
- laurie's birthday party
- great meal at sebbs restaurant, with alice, rory, dermot, george, johnny, chloe and maeve
- cocktails at kong bar afterwards
- night out in edinburgh with nas
- amazing dinner at ka pao
- sleepover and watching the apprentice (2024)
- speaking assignment interviews with refugee students and src training session in the afternoon
- solo-trip to london
- flight from glasgow to luton
- staying in celia's homestay in islington
- navigating the london underground; big ben/westminster and pro-palestinian march; going to pd. and meeting kartick & others, jacuzzi, steam room
- meeting up with jean from the chase; historical whitehall walking tour; cabaret performance at the phoenix art club
- drinks old compton street gay district; befriending older guys and talking politics; drag show at admiral duncan
- spanish tapas dinner with jean
- hook up with handsome i. in soho
- lunch at johnny schnitzels in angel
- teambuilding day at work - virtual darts, drinks and lunch at flight club glasgow. drinks with claire, nicola, tanja, andrew, gosia and jenny afterwards
- found out I'm going to be uncle again!
- trip to cinema to see bridget jones with alice and ribh
- visiting home for the weekend
- birthday night out!
- drinks and charcuterie boards/cheese boards at soiree with ribh, alice, laurie, amber, yvie and rebecca
- being sang happy birthday, good vibes, good drinks, lovely to catch up with friends
- katie's bar - dancing, singing, playing pool, kieran
- mcdonalds and amber sleepover
- quiet ny day at home with mum and dad
- drinks and karaoke in dbt with ribh and matthew
- lunch at elevenses with becky in dmfs
- solo pint at riverside tap, return to glasgow
- brunch & catch up at mesa in dennistoun with laurie, walk along duke street
- first day back at work :(
- random encounter - taxi back with celia after delayed train
- lunch at tibo with ribh and matthew - stornoway stack, black pudding, chorizo, poached eggs, hollandaise
- meet up with ribh, matthew, alice, laurie
- amazing dinner at penang - monkfish and prawn thai green curry, vegetable spring rolls, dragon chicken
- first gym session with ribh - had a great time!
- trip home to visit mum and dad
- meal at the kings in dbt
- received text from my ex j.
- peace, closure, clarity
- talking again on semi-good terms?
- johns 50th bday party at the committee rooms
- drinks/dancing/talking with mary, taj, marie, carol, morven, alison and more - good night
- gym session with ribh
- night out at polo with kieran and shannen
- kiss - and feeling extremely hungover
jan 1 2025 ∞
mar 8 2025 +