Have you ever been asked out before? yes.
Where was your facebook profile picture taken? right now, in my kitchen.
What's your middle name? margaret.
Your current relationship status? happily with someone.
Does your crush like you back? yes, so i can been told.
What is your current mood? tired, dreadful... stressed/anxious, dumbfounded.
What color of underwear are you wearing? none.
What color shirt are you wearing? grey strips.
Missing something? my cute boyfriend.
If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? there is a few things i regret but i don't know if i wouldn change anything.
If you must be an animal for one day, what would you be? a dinosaur, oh wait...
Ever had a near death experience? nah.
Something you do a lot? think, too much about little things that are so trival that tihnking about them makes bigger problems than the inticipated implications of them in the first place.
The song stuck in your head? nothing at the moment.
Who did you copy and paste this from? livejournal.
Name someone who has the same birthday as you. my assistant manager/secret lover at work.
When was the last time you cried? maybe a week ago, just a few random tears.
Have you ever sang in front of a large audience? nope.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? to draw, oh superpower... be invisible?
Whats the first thing you notice about the preferred sex? hair. [twenty-one] What do you usually order from Starbucks? mm nothing. [twenty-two] What's your biggest secret? i don't know. [twenty-three] Favorite color? minty green. [twenty-four] Do you still watch kiddie shows or tv shows? on occasion. [twenty-five] What is a line from one of your favorite songs? there is too many. [twenty-six] What are you? amazing. [twenty-seven] Do you speak any other language? nothing. [twenty-eight] What's your favorite smell? satsuma and egyptian. [twenty-nine] Describe your life in one word what would it be? random.

What is one thing you would like to learn how to do? mmm i don't really know. manage time. [thirty-one] Have you ever kissed in the rain? this is a common question, not like in the movies. [thirty-two] What are you thinking about right now? the pain my best friend is going through. [thirty-three] What should you be doing? probably sleeping. [thirty-four] Who was the last person to make you upset/angry? it's not important, ultimately it is me. [thirty-five] How often do you talk to God? never. [thirty-six] Do you like working in the yard? nah. [thirty-seven] If you could have any name in the world, what would you want? elmo. [thirty-eight] Do you act differently around the person you like? somewhat. [thirty-nine] What is your natural hair color? average brown.
done? yes.