Are you surprised by today?: a little bit; 7 hours of video games. Do you like Gwen Stefani?: not really. Do you have a cell phone?: yes. Rose Art or Crayola?: crayola. Do you wear make up?: yes for the most part. Have you ever pet a llama?: probably. In your school, is the drama at the beginning or the end of the school year: neither. M&Ms or Skittles?: m&ms. How tall are you?: 5' Do you like shoes?: yes. Did you at any point today want to punch someone in the head?: not really. a little bit right now, im lying though. Do you like modeling?: meh. Have you ever wanted to be a singer?: no. Do you sing in the shower?: no. Are you a dancer?: nope. Does your school have a magazine?: yes. On the opposite sex: Eyes or Lips?: eyes. When did you first start going on youtube?: i don't know, like 2 years ago. Are you tired?: a little, not enough. I'm bored. Are you?: perphaps. Myspace or FaceBook?: facebook. Best Friends or Bf/Gf?: both. E! News or The Insider?: meh. Foot Ball or Soccer

?: soccer. and i believe it is north american. Judge Judy or Judge Alex?: judge judy, lol judge alex. Blue or Black?: depends. Are you going to continue onto college?: i am going to be second year university. [today...] i woke up before 8 am i drank milk
i drank red bull i ate chinese food i ate ice cream i made my own surveys
i took someone else's surveys i did my make up i wore my hair all the way up i went to a baseball game
i drove a car i followed someone driving ahead of me i saw someone i knew working somewhere guys checked me out
i laughed i made someone laugh i hung out just me and my dad i discussed my plans for the future
i got annoyed by someone (ish) news cameras were at my school i texted more than 5 people i had to delete my inbox i wore something from hollister i wore something from forever 21
i wore something from american apparel i wore something from icing/claire's i watched part of a TV season on DVD i snuggled with my pet
i made plans for later i decided what i want for my birthday (the sims 3/fable2)
i talked to my boyfriend i told him i love him i honked at a friend on the street
i made fun of someone i pissed someone off in traffic i listened to 90's music
i listened to a song i've never heard i checked the mail i took a shower
i brushed my teeth i wore some kind of maybelline makeup l'oreal H.I.P.? avon? wet 'n' wild? jordanna?
i woke right up without falling asleep for "just 5 more minutes" i made a ridiculously long bolding survey about my day that really hasn't been that eventful What was the last thing you said aloud?: "good boy" to my dog. When was the last time you showered?: yesturday. Which do you prefer: Jogging or Hiking?: neither. Does your school have many clubs?: yes, i am not a part of any of them. When was the last time someone asked you if you were alright?: probably a couple of days ago. What hair color do you have?: brown. When is the next time you will see the person you like?: tomorrow night. Who is your closest friend?: maggie. Do you have a facebook?: yes. Do you like your myspace layout?: no, that is ok. When was the last time you ate?: about 2 hours ago. Have you ever met anyone who was famous?: no. Have you ever been to a football game?: no, thankfully. Do you label people?: yes, who doesn't. Do you like Netspeak?: apparently not. Have you ever written fanfiction?: yes. NERD. What did you think about Twilight?: the movie was entertaining. i will see the second one. i am not a crazy freak fan though. When does your school let out for summer?: i have been for at least a month. When was the last time you told someone that you loved them?: i can't even remember. Are you listening to music right now?: yes, bright eyes, LOVELOVE. Where would you like to be right now?: here is fine i guess. What is the nicest thing anyone's ever told you?: you're so beautiful, and meant it. How long ago was it?: about 3 months ago. Have you ever dyed your hair?: a few times. Do you have school spirit?: no. What's your favorite book?: "it's kind of a funny story", "perks of being a wallflower" and "what my mother doesn't know" Do you have any siblings?: 3, 3 1/2s too. Can you sing well?: not at all.

I had a party on my 16th birthday. My name ends with a consonant. I have a middle name, and I don't hate it. I've been told that I suck at life. My jewelry is all silver. My favorite color changes with my mood. So does my eye color.
I've dyed my hair black before. (brown black)
My GPA is above 3.5. I've dated an older man/woman. My favorite color ink is red.
I've written a note to someone in class. Forget school, I hate work! Wintertime sucks major amounts of ass. I live for football. I have friends in Texas. My mother tells me I don't know the first thing about love.
My parents are still married. I have an air freshener in my car. Candy is my favorite dessert.
Taking pictures is fun. I masturbate, and I don't feel guilty about it. Someone I know is fighting for my country. I drink diet drinks, and it bothers the people around me. I am diabetic.
There is food within three feet of me at this moment. I have written in purple ink. My birthday is in February. Chemistry was/is my favorite Science class. I was the fat kid who used to hate gym.
The rollercoaster of my life never stops. I know more than five people named Mike.
My boss hates me. My father doesn't know anything about me.
Yoga is fun stuff. I have more than 200 dollars in my wallet right now.
I've used a credit card. Riding dirtbikes is one of my favorite things to do on my days off. Oprah is my hero. I am a fan of punk rock. Concerts are the best thing since... well, something awesome. KoRn is GOD.
I like cows. I have more than one poster of my favorite band in my room.
Golf doesn't thrill me. I have dated someone for over 6 months. I actually watch Survivor, and I like it! My IM screenname has X at the beginning. I wear lots of pink and purple. I have over 150 people on my buddylist. My favorite day of the week is Thursday. I like ice in my soda.
I wrote in a diary when I was younger. Being a kid was really the best part of my life. Homecoming this year really sucked ass.
I miss my significant other. The weathermen here don't know what the hell they are talking about.
I live for good TV shows! This survey is too long. My best friend is female. There is a highlighter on my desk. I have taken Trigonometry. Mirrors amuse me. Guitars are better than drums. "Piano Man" is a really awesome song.
I've learned something new in the past 24 hours. I know what my first name means.
Surveys are made because people have too much time on their hands. Going to funerals makes me feel sad, but at the same time happy. Driving in the snow is tons of fun. Reading 8 point font makes my eyes hurt. I have dubbed myself a pyro - not because it makes me feel cool, but because I really do love fire.