How does it make you feel looking at pics with your ex and someone else? really odd. What's your favorite TV show? nip tuck, bb, antm, weeds, skins, etc. What song are you listening to right now? donkey punch is on. Why are you doing this survey and not something else? becuase it is a friday night... i am alone becuase my boyfriend decided to go home at 10:30... and i am watch a movie, trying to prevent sleep. Where do you work at? a mall. Do you get really annoyed at sex questions? no. Did you ever join a gym to look hot and get back at an ex bf/gf? nope. If you're not in college, why? becuase i am in university. Do you think Michael Jackson did it? i have no idea, i didn't follow that whole thing and i didn't care. Would you ever try a Krabby Patty? no... Do you know what the Mile High Club is? do i ever. Have you ever seen The Wedding Singer? yes, one of my favs. What is your all time favorite movie? i don't have a number one. If you could do anything right now, what would it be? have sex maybe. Do you get mad or get even? get mad, get over it. What brand of makeup do you wear? covergirl and annabell. Do you hate customers that come into your work? yes, mostly. Are you hiding something from someone? i hide a lot from many. Be honest. You love The Beatles don't you? yes, most do but i especially. Do you know who Muse is? i have heard of them. Do you own a studded belt from Hot Topic? not a belt. How many pairs of shoes do you own? probably 43. Do you watch Spongebob? no. What do you think about MTV? i think it can either be really funny or retarded, either way a good way to pass the time. What about the Disney Channel? i never watch it but the movies are COOL. Would you ever go back to your most recent ex? no. Are you an addict? to love. i don't think so. Do you like surveys? no. that's why i do them. Do you know a Brittney? a couple. Do you know a Jessica? oh looky here. If so, do you like them? i'm alrighy i guess from time to time. What color is your hair? brown. Can you speak French? no, not well at all. What's your favorite holiday? christmas. Why? it's huge. it makes me want to love people. Do you like someone right now? yes. Are you single or taken? in a relationship. What do you think it means when people say they're “dealing”? either selling or coping. Are you dramatic about everything? probably in my own mind but you would never know it. If you turn to your left, what do you see? a blanket covering my window. Stereo or iPod? ipod. Coke or Pepsi? coke. TV or computer? computer. A best friend or the love of your life? neither. i wish to die alone. Cigarettes or weed? weed. Who’s your best friend? maggie. Do you think girls and guys can be friends without anything happening? yes. Whats your name? jessica. Do you like it? i have gotten used to it. Do you like cookies? not entirely. If so, fresh baked cookies or hard cookies out of a box? wow tough one... If you knew one of your friends really liked a guy, but he liked her, and you liked him, would you still go for the guy even though your friend likes him too? i am lost. Why do people like you? i don't know. people i am attractive? maynbe a little? Why do people hate you? becuase i am weird and quiet. Laptop, or desktop? laptop. Do you have any piercings? ears, belly button. Is it hard or easy to like two people at the same time? in what possible way would that be easy? Facebook or MySpace? facebook, really... How old until you want to die? old enough. Where were you two hours ago? pretty much the exact same place. Do you like milk? yes. a lot. Do you like chocolate milk? more than life. When you're dealing with a guy, do you play hard to get, or give him all of the attention he wants? i am a little inbetween, less hard to get though. Who do you tell everything to? nobody. Best childhood memory? maggie. Who did you like in gr. 4? a boy named corey. Best elementary school memory? playing cops and robbers.. haha. Best high school memory? mmm i don't know. When someone you don't like back likes you, do you get creeped out, or find it cute? depends on the person and how they act... Do you do drugs? not really. Are you good in/at school? not very. Do you believe in finding the “one”? in a perfect world, but things aren't perfect so i don't really know, whatever happens happens and whoever you end up with you do.