I used to be the only kid at dinner parties in a house with:

  • Long, dark wood tables
  • A table centerpiece made of glass that was full to the brim with tennis balls
  • A refrigerator with a photo of young Bill Clinton in denim cut-offs juxtaposed with a picture of Geroge Bush's head growing out of a Texan tobacco plant
  • A bedroom with white walls and a fireplace framed with painted ceramic tiles
  • A porch with a long drop-off
  • Tenuous inhabitants who started their own business and never had kids
  • Salad bowls made of carved wood
  • A faded gold handle which led to a hidden bathroom under the dark wood stairs. The bathroom had a blue and white painted Portuguese ceramic bowl for a sink
  • A neighbor who owned a children's store where I helped for a day

I didnt't really think much of it all then, but it came to mind again.

may 4 2010 ∞
may 4 2010 +