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i'm lauren, i like it when people call me LC

i've got big dreams, and big plans
and i've got what it takes to make them reality
i've taken on a lot within the last year
gone through a whole lot that changed me
in the end it's made me stronger, made

i intend on pursuing fashion design, and am editor in chief of LRCH's yearbook staff
i don't like grudges, flared jeans, grape flavo...

  • january 1 i slept through midnight
  • january 2 i probably wont take my Christmas tree down until mid February
  • january 3 its bad to put dawn in an industrial dishwasher
  • january 4 recently i've discovered raisins dont satisfy like they used to
  • january 5 i resent not having a treehouse during my childhood
  • january 6 i'd rather doodle on grid paper
  • january 7 if i dont get a polaroid camera this year i'll be disappointed
  • january 8 i'm developing an addiction for mitchell davis []
  • january 9 i turn 18 in a month--its still exciting
  • january 10 i'm probably one of the funniest people i know
  • january 11 i over estimated my job when i started
  • january 12 text replies HOURS late are irritating
  • january 13 i think i knew what i was doing on my biology exam
  • january 14 i looked on her paper on the questions i didn't know, but that was only like 5 of the 50 i swear
  • january 15 i'll never be a writer
  • january 16 exams are over, but i'm still stressed
  • january 17 i just had an epiphany: drama is never over
  • january 18 bubble wrap is more entertaining every time
  • january 19 i drank a monster last night, and i didn't sleep at all
  • january 20 senioritis isn't a myth
  • january 21 i get antsy from wanting to know secrets
  • january 22 i'm addicted to creating lists
  • january 23 kissing in the rain isn't as glorious when a cold front has just moved through the area
  • january 24 he thought i was asleep the whole time, but really i just loved being in his arms and knowing he was looking down at me smiling
  • january 25 i can name at least two things that i've burnt out on so far this year
  • january 26 i've never been this happy with a guy.
  • january 27 whenever there's a possibility of a snow day i never get my hopes up, and it usually ends with with no school.
  • january 28 i was real sure about where i was going for college, but now i've never been so unsure about anything.
  • january 29 sometimes when i'm not thinking, i try to unlock my house with the remote that goes to my car.
  • january 30 he's my peter pan and i'm his wendy.
  • january 31 i was at school on a saturday for yearbook--and i ran down the hallways just to see what it would be like.
  • february 1 my brother is the most stubborn, abrupt person i know.
  • february 2 i think you were better off without him.
  • february 3 i hid in the dark room during the fire drill today.
  • february 4 eventually, i WILL win a tickle fight.
  • february 5 the only part of going to the ER i remember last night is when my mom rolled me over onto the catscan cot--i found out today it was actually a male nurse
  • february 6 i'm about to start looking for a new job
  • february 7 tonight was the first night we've been able to lay under the stars since october; man i missed it. happy two months sweetheart<3
  • february 8 this is probably the worst sick i've ever been
  • february 9 with or without the presents, i have everything i want this year for my birthday. i'm 18!
  • february 10 i've got valentines day all figured out.
  • february 11 this morning i thought to myself, "if i had a bump-it I would never have a bad hair day."
  • february 12 i will never intentionally break the honor code to that extent again, pinky swear.
  • february 13 i've been looking for the perfect songs for this mix cd for hours.
  • february 14 i'm pretty good at this girlfriend thing.
  • february 15 being facebook official PROBABLY shouldnt give me this much giddiness
  • february 15 i've never meant i love you the way i meant it tonight
  • february 16 i felt really terrible when i thought he heard us talking about him.
  • february 17 i think someone should invent windshield wipers that can SENSE which speed to go, depending on how hard the rain is.
  • february 18 my days are always good when they start off with: a good hair day, sunshine, and spice girls blasting through the speakers.
  • february 19 when i get productive things done i'm in a good mood for days.
  • february 20 sometimes after i set my mind on something i get close minded about other things, like couches.
  • february 21 i'm not very good at eating rice with chopsticks, but i'm getting better
  • february 22 no matter the diet, or if it is swim suit season, cookies are my weakness--EVERY TIME
  • february 23 this is one of the first times this year i've READ my english assignment rather than just used spark notes.
  • february 24 the christmas tree in my room is still standing and decorated (see JAN 2)
  • february 25 when your dad said, "next christmas i'm expecting a custom made suit from you," it made me feel real good inside
  • february 26 i swear, my intuition is strong enough to be a sixth sense
  • february 27 it felt good when i was FINALLY THE ONE who had the better come back, it doesn't happen very often
  • february 28 snow gets more beautiful every time i see it
  • march 1 this scholarship is so important to me, not just for the money, but because i think i deserve it.
  • march 2 today was the most stressful day i've had in a few weeks.
  • march 3 i did something today that i'm to embarrased to be specific about
  • march 4 i sing everywhere, especially loud in the car.
  • march 5 i have never felt a stronger force than sincere inspiration.
  • march 6 sometimes i wonder if fabric softener really even makes a difference.
  • march 7 ominous midnights out of doors are eerie to me.
  • march 8 i wasn't really sick this morning, just overwhelmed.
  • march 9 i think i'm better at drawing than i give myself credit for.
  • march 10 when i climb a route really well at the climbing center i feel accomplished.
  • march 11 when i pack for a trip I have to try on all of the outfits BEFORE they go into the suitcase (just to make sure they're really as cute as i think they'll be)
  • march 12 i can only eat one thing at a time, fries THEN hamburger, and when i was a kid i used to take my hamburger apart to eat it, bun THEN patty
  • march 13 i really want to see Garden State
  • march 14 it made me smile real big when we looked at picture albums tonight
  • march 15 today when i was singing my mind was in the wrong place
  • march 16 GOD this week is going to go slow
  • march 17 jack johnson wrote his albums with visions of couples like us.
  • march 18 i wish i could express to you how badly i want you to be happy
  • march 19 frequently, when driving in the morning (like, to school), i curb check and always get scared i'm going to lose control of my car.
  • march 20 she should NOT have won best dressed.
  • march 21 sometimes i just feel it neccessary to clean for a few hours.
  • march 22 i thinks she's harsh because she's scared.
  • march 23 i am completely, head over heels in love with my boyfriend.
  • march 24 being on top of that mountain was like being on top of the world
  • march 25 so i applied for a job at a bakery today, and i REALLY want them to call me back
  • march 26 i really dig this haircut
  • march 27 where did the spring go?
  • march 28 i've been craving BBQ for a week
  • march 29 sometimes i get insecure for no reason at all
  • march 30 4th nine weeks of senior year--better go by fast.
  • march 31 my second interview was today, the manager intimidates me.
  • april 1 i've never been able to pull off an april fools correctly
  • april 2 thirty days of school has never seemed so extensive.
  • april 3 english has never been one of my favorite classes, this year it keeps me on my toes.
  • april 4 i didn't think the second half of senior year was supposed to be stressful.
  • april 5 today the kids sang at church--i'm not sure if it was cute or really annoying.
  • april 6 i had to leave his house early because his family came into town, but i wanted to go with him to pick up his brother.
  • april 7 picked up my cap and gown today, it gave me goosebumps.
  • april 8 our four month was yesterday--its still feels magic.
  • april 9 i'm not going to buy nonslip shoes for work, i'm just going to wear my flats and if i slip i'll say they were faulty.
  • april 10 he left for texas today, i don't look forward to his going out of town.
  • april 11 instead of working tonight i watched movies all day with my mom.
  • april 12 i wish he would've been there for easter dinner, he's a part of the family now.
  • april 13 i'm impressed with my gpa for this quarter. guess i don't have to give up quite yet.
  • april 14 art isn't supposed to be this frustrating. i thought it was supposed to be an "easy A"
  • april 15 tonight proves i don't want he-who-used-to-be in my life any more.
  • april 16 i should've won designer of the year, i'm better than that other girl
  • april 17 i've never felt love grow like i felt it grow last night
  • april 18 we were up and down all day, but then we made pancakes and everything was perfect again.
  • april 19 this string of bad days could end ANY time.
  • april 20 the yearbooks came in--i was expecting them to be better.
  • april 21 i felt so discouraged when i left work tonight.
  • april 22 tonight's shift more than made of up for last night.
  • april 23 cocky people are a pet peeve of mine
  • april 24 i can understand what the cooks are saying in the kitchen, even if it is all in spanish.
jan 22 2009 ∞
apr 24 2009 +