A slice of life yuri anime series following the lives of seventeen-year-old Makina Hibeko and her eight-year-old sister, Shimizu.

When Maki was thirteen, her father was diagnosed with cancer. When she was fifteen, he lost the battle. The court wanted to give the girls to their emotionally manipulative mom and stepdad, but Makina fought tooth and nail to prove that she could support both herself and her sister on her own, without any help from their mother. In the end, the court ruled in her favour, and Makina was given full custody of Shimizu and a hefty wad of cash to help start off the girls’ new life alone.

Cut to two years later, and the two are living a modest life in a small apartment downtown. Maki is working hard to make ends meet, and Shimi is appreciative of everything her sister is doing to keep them afloat. The two spend almost every moment of their free time together, and they like it that way.

But lately, their mom and stepdad have been trying to worm their way back into the girls’ lives to control them again, and Maki is having none of it. Combine that with Maki starting to see Shimi in a different light, and the older sister has quite the storm to weather.

dec 4 2020 ∞
dec 4 2020 +