• my job
  • my job (2)
  • the weather. yeah whatever screw you the depressing rain and crap is good for my soul and stuff blah blah blah
  • Hawthorne
  • zipcar adventures
  • Christmas Cards
  • FRINQ kid- pretentious yet hilarious, two odd things I suppose
  • my boss
  • Powell's
  • Powell's
  • Powell's
  • The park blocks
  • PSU. I'm well aware that I'm not going to an Ivy League, but I'm getting a good education and really enjoying all of my classes and professors so bye
  • my new roommate. She's from SoCal so we understand each other and she isn't going to pull the shit that my other roommate did. yeah.
  • my view. On a clear day (not often) you can see Mt. Hood out my window and it's glorious.
jan 5 2010 ∞
apr 20 2010 +