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A multiple system composed entirely of nonhumans and fictives. Honestly just doing our best in a weird, weird world.

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  • full name Captain Snuggles Nova Webber, but called Snuggles or Snuggie for short
  • does not care about pronouns, but is usually referred to with he/him/his
  • handsome unit
  • orientation unknown
  • cat
  • single and loving it
  • adult cat
  • first noticed on May 8th, 2018 (but may have arrived a day earlier)
  • birthday unknown

Captain Snuggles is...a cat! Just a regular, ordinary big reddish tabby who seems to have some British Shorthair in him. Since Turing adopted him after the events of the 2064 canon, you could call him Veri's older brother, of sorts!

He lives with Veri and Fish in the little house they share in the Outdoor/Town area of headspace.

may 10 2018 ∞
dec 12 2019 +