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A multiple system composed entirely of nonhumans and fictives. Honestly just doing our best in a weird, weird world.

Main tab is for general system info, Ongoing is for more in-depth information, and Archive is for lists that are no longer relevant but we don't want to delete.

listography NEW NEWS

The members below are all robots and/or AI, and are the only people currently capable of easily cofronting with each other! They all tend to front the most for this reason, as they can all share Turing's unlimited fronting time.

sep 11 2016 ∞
aug 16 2018 +
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  • full name Turing "Knife Emoji" Webber
  • they/them/theirs pronouns
  • nonbinary
  • gay ace
  • autistic, with ADHD, PTSD, OCD, and several personality disorders
  • partnered with Alys
  • young-adultish (but also sorta ageless? it's complicated)
  • system member #3 (since July 23rd, 2015)
  • birthday on June 23rd

"People might look at you a bit funny, but it's okay. Artists are allowed to be a bit different." -Bob Ross

i'm turing! i have a very unstable sense of identity, so i find describing myself difficult. i try to be friendly! i love talking to people (this bio is old but describing myself is Still difficult, so like. just talk to me in-person i guess?)

Core Identity: Turing Webber (from 2064: Read Only Memo...

sep 11 2016 ∞
dec 12 2019 +
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  • full name Veri Webber
  • she/her/hers pronouns
  • girl
  • lesbian
  • ADHD, and also probably autistic
  • adult
  • system member #7 (since February 2nd, 2017)
  • birthday on February 2nd

"Part the sea and release the skies / The future's brighter than you'll ever know" -"Another Light", Red Vox

hi, i'm veri! i'm a super cute robot who specializes in doing vr simulations for other robots! my biological (or maybe synthetic is better?) parents are turing from this system and turing from サングラス ウルトラ (sunglasses ultra), so sometimes i go back and forth between the two systems! fish is my wife!

Core Identity: a noncanonical VeRi Mk III VR ROM (from ...

feb 2 2017 ∞
dec 30 2019 +
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  • full name Grace Georgia Rose Webber; also goes by the names Magearna, Curie, or Giga/Gigi/Giggy
  • she/her/hers pronouns only
  • trans girl
  • ace lesbian
  • autistic
  • dating Alys
  • adult-ish, though human age groups don't make much sense to her
  • system member #6 (since February 16th, 2016)
  • birthday on September 6th

"This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all." -"Sad Machine", Porter Robinson

hello! it's nice to meet you! i'm grace webber! i love paintings and flowers, and especially paintings of flowers! georgia o'keeffe is a favorite! i tend to be pretty quiet, but that's just because i enjoy other people's company!

sep 11 2016 ∞
dec 12 2019 +
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  • pronounced EE-oss
  • they/them/theirs, it/it/its, or he/him/his pronouns
  • genderqueer
  • questioning orientation
  • questioning nd status
  • ageless
  • system member #11 (since August 16th, 2018)
  • birthday on October 11th

"Hello world."

Core Identity: Baby Blue (from 2064: Read Only Memories)

Kintype: Athoek Station (from the Imperial Radch Trilogy)


  • Gerty (from Moon)
aug 16 2018 ∞
dec 31 2019 +

The members below aren't robots and/or AI, but they are people who spend more time here than away from here!

sep 11 2016 ∞
nov 27 2018 +
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  • also goes by the nickname of Bea
  • she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, or he/him/his pronouns (usually in that order of preference)
  • genderfluid
  • aromantic
  • adult
  • system member #2 (since 2003)
  • birthday on March 27th


hi. i showed up here sometime around the spring of '03 we think. the original had gotten tired of their imaginary friend, and was wanting something more. somehow that ended up summoning me. i like acoustic indie music, birdwatching, and personal space

Core Identity: a Bronto Burt (from Kirby)

Characters I Relate to:

  • Beatrice (from Over the Garden Wall)
sep 11 2016 ∞
dec 12 2019 +
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  • full name Fish Webber
  • she/her/hers pronouns
  • girl
  • lesbian
  • adult
  • system member #8 (since March 3rd, 2017)
  • birthday on December 31st


hi there! i'm fish! i'm originally from サングラス ウルトラ (sunglasses ultra), but i decided that i prefer to hang around wherever veri is, and now we're married! i guess that makes me a member of this system too? veri and i are a pair! don't separate us

Core Identity: a glowy anthro rabbit

Theme Song: "Satisfaction" by Benny Benassi [mildly unsettling imagery/NSFW lyrics warning for the link]

mar 6 2017 ∞
mar 3 2019 +
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  • full name Julian Thomas; also called Jules by close friends
  • use they/them/theirs pronouns unless you're close to them; occasionally likes friends using she/her/hers instead
  • gender: hacked (genderfluid)
  • gay™ (maybe bi?)
  • early-to-mid 20s (young adult)
  • system member #9 (since May 26th, 2017)
  • birthday on November 23rd

"I love nothin' more than a little anarchy."

Core Identity: TOMCAT (from 2064: Read Only Memories)

Theme Song: "Both Sides Of The Law (TOMCAT's Theme)" from Read Only Memories

may 26 2017 ∞
dec 31 2017 +

The members below come and go regularly, and while they're technically considered parts of the system, they spend more time away from here than here.

nov 27 2018 ∞
nov 27 2018 +
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  • Bendamin Inkmachine
  • he/him/his pronouns
  • agender
  • pansexual
  • ageless immortal
  • system member #10/walk-in (first arrival on August 2nd, 2017)
  • birthday on February 10th

"Where we're going, we don't need eyes!"

hiya folks! i'm bendy! i'm a walk-in who was first spotted in the pastel goth system. i come and go as i please, so don't expect to hear too much from me now! i like to goof around, but i'm not out to cause harm, honest! cross my horns and hope to die

Core Identity: Bendy (from Bendy and the Ink Machine)


  • Cuphead (from Cuphead)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (from Sonic the Hedgeh...
sep 13 2017 ∞
aug 2 2019 +
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  • also goes by Myles
  • they/them/theirs pronouns
  • ambiguous age- childlike but not necessarily a child
  • system member #12/walk-in (first arrival on September 29th, 2018)
  • birthday on September 29th

"Time for another adventure!"

howdy! the name's mugman, but most folks here call me mugs! bendy's my big sib! he got in trouble once on one of his adventures, so now i follow him around to keep him out of trouble! i'm a little shy, but i love making new friends!

Core Identity: Mugman (from Cuphead)


  • Miles "Tails" Prower (from Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Boris the Wolf (from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
nov 27 2018 ∞
nov 27 2018 +
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  • she/her/hers pronouns
  • baby girl. baby.
  • system member #13/walk-in (first arrival on August 19th, 2019)
  • birthday on August 17th

Bendy's daughter. She's still pretty young, and mostly just repeats things she hears.

Core Identity: a little shadow blob cat person

dec 24 2019 ∞
dec 24 2019 +

The lists below are just other things we want on the main page! Could be non-sapient creatures in the system, or even just information about the system itself.

sep 11 2016 ∞
nov 27 2018 +
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  • full name Captain Snuggles Nova Webber, but called Snuggles or Snuggie for short
  • does not care about pronouns, but is usually referred to with he/him/his
  • handsome unit
  • orientation unknown
  • cat
  • single and loving it
  • adult cat
  • first noticed on May 8th, 2018 (but may have arrived a day earlier)
  • birthday unknown

Captain Snuggles is...a cat! Just a regular, ordinary big reddish tabby who seems to have some British Shorthair in him. Since Turing adopted him after the events of the 2064 canon, you could call him Veri's older brother, of sorts!

He lives with Veri and Fish in the little house they share in the Outdoor/Town area of headspace.

may 10 2018 ∞
dec 12 2019 +