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A multiple system composed entirely of nonhumans and fictives. Honestly just doing our best in a weird, weird world.

Main tab is for general system info, Ongoing is for more in-depth information, and Archive is for lists that are no longer relevant but we don't want to delete.

listography NEW NEWS
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  • Bendamin Inkmachine
  • he/him/his pronouns
  • agender
  • pansexual
  • ageless immortal
  • system member #10/walk-in (first arrival on August 2nd, 2017)
  • birthday on February 10th

"Where we're going, we don't need eyes!"

hiya folks! i'm bendy! i'm a walk-in who was first spotted in the pastel goth system. i come and go as i please, so don't expect to hear too much from me now! i like to goof around, but i'm not out to cause harm, honest! cross my horns and hope to die

Core Identity: Bendy (from Bendy and the Ink Machine)


  • Cuphead (from Cuphead)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (from Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Adventurer Cookie (from Cookie Run)
  • Gloves (from the Splatoon manga)
  • Fire Spirit Cookie (from Cookie Run)
  • Crowley (from Good Omens)

Associated Kintypes:

  • demons
  • toons
  • felines
  • shadows

Theme Songs:

sep 13 2017 ∞
aug 2 2019 +