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hello. I'm just a so-not-remarkable teenage girl whom you'll see as a weird and creepy one. I am mentally a whore cause I'm (mentally, again) dating tons of guys from the bands, movies, even fictional book/comic characters. you should never be jealous to my life, eventhough I know my life is awesome.

  • death
  • no internet connection
  • no electricity
  • no money
  • nail injuries (I'm experiencing one now and I'm scared as fuck and also badly injured and the pain sucks as hell)
  • strict romance commitment
  • wizard of gore (1970) (only saw the scenes from the movie Juno and I can't help thinking that this movie is the WORST of all. but shizzzz my curiousity still finds this interesting and somehow I feel like downloading this, but yes this scares me)
  • accidental pops of porn on my tumblr dashboard when my parent(s) is/are around
  • creepy gifs that have a calming opening picture at first and command you to scrutinize it and look for something but in the end a scary picture pops instead
  • hotel626. I CAN'T STAND DOING THIS
  • Revolution 9 by The Beatles. IT'S JUST CREEEEEEEPY
  • not being able to go out
  • dirty and wet tissues

oh basically I just have no phobia like other people have. insects and reptiles don't really scare me. and so do clowns and ghosts. ok somehow they do, but not much. P.S: the people I follow on tumblr somehow post nudity and porn and I don't really care at all actually, I'll just skip those junks anyway, but still I can't unfollow them cause they're my tumblr friends.

jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +