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hello. I'm just a so-not-remarkable teenage girl whom you'll see as a weird and creepy one. I am mentally a whore cause I'm (mentally, again) dating tons of guys from the bands, movies, even fictional book/comic characters. you should never be jealous to my life, eventhough I know my life is awesome.

  • nastar cookies are heaven-made. Seriously, they taste so darn good. The angels probably had accidentally dropped the recipe to earth, and there we are, having this hellayum lebaran snack. If I had to rate it I would give 6 out of 5 stars.
  • I fuckin just run out of nastar cookies at home because strangers are eating MY nastar cookies.
  • now that it's all gone I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW.
  • the number 2 most-delicious lebaran cookies ever is KAASTENGEL. Cheese is classic and cliché yet will stay in everyone's heart for limitless time. It is infinite, but still can't beat the heavenly taste of nastar cookies.
  • my house is lack of kaastengel cookies. It is scarce as fuck now. I was calm knowing this when I got my nastar cookies with me BUT NOW THAT IT'S GONE AND IT'S SO HA...
sep 4 2011 ∞
sep 4 2011 +
  • recover from this nail injury
  • recover from this nail injury
  • recover from this nail injury
  • mcd's chocolate sundae
  • new lingeries
  • new glasses
  • pancakes with honey syrup and strawberries
  • thomas sangster on bed
  • smoke orange shisha
  • mixed chicken and beef kebab with extra cheese and tomato
  • mashed potatoes
  • cold stone strawberry sorbet with gummy bear topping
  • go to the dentist and change my elastic ligatures into connected one and it must be pink
  • mcd's chocolate sundae
  • faithful blog reader
  • food food and more food
jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 15 2011 +
  • Sajak Putih - Chairil Anwar (1944)

Bersandar pada tari warna pelangi/ kau depanku bertudung sutra senja/ di hitam matamu kembang mawar dan melati/ harum rambutmu mengalun bergelut senda/

Sepi menyanyi, malam dalam mendoa tiba/ meriak muka air kolam jiwa/ dan dalam dadaku memerdu lagu/ menarik menari seluruh aku/

hidup dari hidupku, pintu terbuka/ selama matamu bagiku menengadah/ selama kau darah mengalir dari luka/ antara kita Mati datang tidak membelah…/

Buat Miratku, Ratuku! kubentuk dunia sendiri,/ dan kuberi jiwa segala yang dikira orang mati di alam ini!/ Kucuplah aku terus, kucuplah/ dan semburkanlah tenaga dan hidup dalam tubuhku…/

  • Aku Ingin - Sapardi Djoko Damono (1989)

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana:/ ...

jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +
  • the ones who use too much sarcasm
  • girls who fight the other girls just because of boys (eww!!!)
  • people who show too much loathing on twitter (HAHA!)
  • people who think they're too cool to make friends with everyone
  • people who think they're fabulous
  • people who show off a lot in the internet
  • people who think they're the trendsetters
  • girls who call other girls bitch/whore/sort of it
  • people who say 'no offense' before saying something which is so damn offensive

hey I know we all use sarcasm, even myself does this too. but please, too much sarcasm sounds like a bunch of pointless bullshit which is not cool at all.

ok this list is not healthy I know, but k...

jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +
  • RINGO STARR (basically I'd just marry all these beatles. I'd love to go back to the 60s anyway)
  • Jon Bon Jovi
  • Anthony Kiedis
  • Thom Yorke
  • Alex Turner
  • Iga Massardi
  • Jason Mraz
  • Robert Downey Jr.
  • Patrick Stump
  • Cameron Leahy (he's kinda cute you know)
  • Peter Cincotti
  • Eminem
  • Michael Bublé (ultimate classy sexiness.. aww!)
jun 13 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +
  • your good-morning greetings
  • your long texts
  • your stories (although they always appear so short and never come up unless I ask you to tell :p)
  • your efforts to keep conversing (cause I know it's hard for you to come up with topics)
  • your behaviors (I consider all of them are cute)
  • your music taste
  • your voice singing I can't lie by maroon 5 (I still listen to it at times and it still makes me giggles like it did the first time I listened to it)
  • your bedtime story
  • your concern of hygiene (sometimes you take bath even more often than me in day-offs lol) that makes you smell nice
  • your skype video call
  • the way you offer your jacket to me
sep 6 2011 ∞
sep 8 2011 +

I know this is wrong. there is no beatlemania in the world who can pick their favorite beatles songs and make a list of it, I know. I know I'd be listing almost all of their songs. who cares. I love them.

WARNING FOR DEAREST FUTURE HUSBAND: the ones I bold is the key to my heart. you must be capable to sing/play an instrument of it (choose one). sincerely, your lovely wife-to-be.

  • come together
  • something
  • oh! darling
  • I want you (she's so heavy)
  • here comes the sun
  • because
  • ob-la-di, ob-la-da
  • while my guitar gently weeps
  • happiness is a warm gun
  • blackbird
  • I will
jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +
  • keira knightley
  • isla fisher
  • natalie portman
  • emma watson
  • mary elizabeth winstead
  • halle berry
  • agyness deyn
  • scarlett johansson
  • taylor swift
  • marion cotillard
  • ellen page
  • zooey deschanel
  • anne hathaway
  • mila kunis
  • miranda kerr

I know I've got too much girl crushes. don't doubt me, I'm still straight. okay.

jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +
  • please mister postman - the beatles
  • bixby canyon bridge - death cab for cutie
  • fake tales of san fransisco - arctic monkeys
  • I can't lie - maroon 5
  • heartbreak warfare - john mayer
  • rumour has it - adele
  • all I've got to do - the beatles
  • not a second time - the beatles
  • all we ever do is say good bye - john mayer
  • I was made for you - she & him
  • lost in stereo - all time low
  • london town - jamie scott & the town
  • vultures - john mayer
  • enchanted - taylor swift

I seriously can't stop listening to these lately. I need new playlists, new music suggestions, new music genres, new albums, new artists. I need new music explorati...

jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +
  • liquid lip colour raspberry (8ml Rp. 109k)
  • brush on radiance (28g Rp. 169k)
  • liquid eyeliner black (2.5ml Rp. 119k)
  • super volume mascara (10ml Rp. 129k)
  • vitamin e face mist (100ml Rp. 109k)
  • strawberry puree body lotion (250ml Rp. 119k)
  • watermelon lip balm (10ml Rp. 55k)

total cost: Rp. 809k .

jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +
  • mcd's chocolate sundae
  • sumo maki
  • california roll
  • mashed potatoes
  • sumo maki
  • sumo maki
  • nasi goreng tek-tek
  • bubur ayam cikini
  • mie tarik laiker saus krim italia
  • magnum almond
  • kitkat
  • chicken sandwich burger king

I have such a sick eating disorder. I need to be rehabilitated.

I seriously can't stop thinking about them right now.

jun 15 2011 ∞
jun 15 2011 +

ok, so the title is just not right. I rarely go with a purse. I love backpacks, but yeah, due the fact that I'm a girl I guess I'll need to hang out more with purse. yeah purse. purse purse purse. even the way it is pronounced tickles me. purse. oh yeah.

  • cellphone - it's a blue blackberry 9300
  • wallet - blue (again), unbranded, got it real cheap in singapore, yet it is very durable and strong. been using it for years
  • facial foam (I'd feel incomplete without facial foam, my face just gets oily easily)
  • lip balm
  • baby compact powder
  • eau de cologne
  • cellphone charger (well you know blackberry users need to bring this everywhere)
  • flashdisk
jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +
  • redeem my complimentary beverage tall cup in starbucks
  • write more things on my blog
  • register myself & arshie to the course
  • watch qualified movies at non-commercial theatre kineforum TIM
  • take thousand pictures of my upcoming vacation
  • get myself tanned in karimun jawa trip
  • get my natural skin tone back before the school starts
  • have a full-day trip to bogor by train
  • purchase at least one thing in my bodyshop product wishlist
  • cook new menu
  • recover from this nail injury asap
  • make new sets on polyvore
  • hang out with my elementary-school friends
  • explore new music
  • listen to the whole songs the winnet band...
jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +
  • death
  • no internet connection
  • no electricity
  • no money
  • nail injuries (I'm experiencing one now and I'm scared as fuck and also badly injured and the pain sucks as hell)
  • strict romance commitment
  • wizard of gore (1970) (only saw the scenes from the movie Juno and I can't help thinking that this movie is the WORST of all. but shizzzz my curiousity still finds this interesting and somehow I feel like downloading this, but yes this scares me)
  • accidental pops of porn on my tumblr dashboard when my parent(s) is/are around
  • creepy gifs that have a calming opening picture at first and command you to scrutinize it and look for something but in the end a scary picture pops instead
jun 14 2011 ∞
jun 14 2011 +