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I'm an agnostic with Christian and very blasphemous tendencies. I like setting fires at inappropriate times that I should keep an eye on, but I never do. Stealing. Lying. Cheating. Making girls cry without physical contact. Organizing my shit over and over until I feel it's appropriately set up to please the gods. Dodging the spies and mercenaries that were hired to check me out or kill me. And mi...

listography NEW NEWS
  • 11/04/11*
  • Time in my patio to read and smoke
  • Tisha for sending me a funny pic on my phone everyday
  • Robert being a good murse
  • Lola who is keeping me company while bed bound
  • Pet therapy dates that make people happy
  • 11/06/11*
  • Friends that send me things to cheer me up
  • Oprah's Life Classes - I've been learning a lot
  • - finding new homes for old books
  • My husband going out to get me food after working a long day.
  • People whose energy is so bright and beautiful and are willing to share it with you.
nov 4 2011 ∞
nov 6 2011 +