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I'm an agnostic with Christian and very blasphemous tendencies. I like setting fires at inappropriate times that I should keep an eye on, but I never do. Stealing. Lying. Cheating. Making girls cry without physical contact. Organizing my shit over and over until I feel it's appropriately set up to please the gods. Dodging the spies and mercenaries that were hired to check me out or kill me. And mi...

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  • i try my hardest to hold up my end of a bargain and promises.
  • eager/quick to learn
  • passionate
  • good listener
  • good baker
  • intelligent/conversationalist
  • pretty/nice hair that always smells good
  • can usually feign interest in your hobbies so that you have someone to talk about, but then after awhile, I will actually grow an interest and can share in this with you.
  • caring
  • witty/great sense of humour
  • imaginative/creative
  • intellectually curious/open to new things
  • open minded
jun 8 2009 ∞
jun 9 2009 +