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I'm an agnostic with Christian and very blasphemous tendencies. I like setting fires at inappropriate times that I should keep an eye on, but I never do. Stealing. Lying. Cheating. Making girls cry without physical contact. Organizing my shit over and over until I feel it's appropriately set up to please the gods. Dodging the spies and mercenaries that were hired to check me out or kill me. And mi...

listography NEW NEWS
  • get pregnant
  • write a list of forty books and read them all in the year
  • get another tattoo
  • keep an herb garden
  • bicycle wherever i can
  • lose 50 lbs
  • get an amazing haircut
  • get a job that i like
  • go out of the country
  • send postsecrets as often as possible
  • visit my family in iowa at least three times
  • balance on a skateboard again
  • write in journal daily
  • cook more often, eat out minimally
  • make new friends in florida
  • try a different hair colour
  • have a walking schedule with my dogs
  • show/sell art work at the art festivals
  • write a few fiction pieces
  • train my husky to not jump on people when they visit
  • stay out of the hospital
  • stick to my treatment plan
  • make more scrapbooks/art
  • move back to the midwest
  • get immigration stuff figured out
  • buy a new wardrobe
jun 9 2009 ∞
mar 26 2011 +