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I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend

- Faramir, The Two Towers


MEDIUM FILOFAX (set up will be deliberate, personal filofax will hold raw notes and dates, and medium filofax will have it down neatly and in order)

  • dashboard - what will greet me when i open it?
  • calendar - use from previous agendas; set up as monthly spread and weekly spread??; enter in paydays, schedule differences, practice times, special events, church activities, hubby's schedule
  • household tab having 1) finances - things bought, how much, bills, withdrawals, deposits, payments/transfers, tulong - spreadsheet? graph? 2) meal planning/groceries? be healthier lol 3) cleaning schedule, laundry, mopping, sweeping, cleaning bathroom, etc.
  • collections - habit trackers, movie lists, book lists, goals


sep 23 2018 ∞
sep 23 2018 +
  • The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maude Montgomery
  • The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
  • Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  • Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
feb 28 2018 ∞
feb 28 2018 +
  • my swell knock-off water bottle (although when I'm flying, i just make sure it's empty until i'm past security and TSA)
  • baby wipes - bc you never know
  • advil/tylenol - bc you always never know
  • my personal sized filofax - this guy just helps me out bc for some reason i reach for this when needing to make note of appointments or reminders
  • wallet(s) - my domestic wallet holding my canadian money and cards, and then my international wallet, holding the currency/documents for whatever country i happen to be going to.
  • ereader - i love this guy of course i'm not going anywhere without him
  • phone - always
  • my foldable flats - i bought them off of wish and i'm pleasantly surprised by how well they're holding up!! i just change into these if the shoes i'm wearing curren...
oct 2 2018 ∞
oct 2 2018 +
  • contact health insurance BC and change name on MSP and complete nae change by visiting ICBC (
  • once confirmation letter from health insurance BC has arrived, go to ICBC, change BCID with new name
  • proceed to changing passport (apply for new passport, not renewal)
  • complete the rest of government ID (SIN card for example, fill out form maybe?)
  • bank accounts (go to bank in person, bring marriage certificate and bring other government ID with new name just in case).
sep 23 2018 ∞
sep 23 2018 +
  • kobo aura edition 2 - it's not the newest or fanciest ereader, but i'm actually so glad that i got this because since i'm moving a lot, i can't bring many things with me, let alone the dozens of books i had piled haphazardly on my bookshelf in my parent's house. now i can have a bunch of books with me anywhere, it hardly weighs a thing and now with the update that includes overdrive, i can borrow books from the library electronically!!!!!!
  • swell bottle knock-off - i actually don't remember what the brand is called, but i got it from superstore back in lloydminster and i had my eye on it for months because it's a nice size that can fit in my tote bag/backpack and the white marble design was super cute. i finally caved because i got jealous of my husband's lol (his is a wood patterned one which looks pretty cool), but his is an actual swell bot...
sep 23 2018 ∞
oct 2 2018 +
  • "[i carry your heart(i carry it in]" - e.e. cummings
  • "Ulysses" - Tennyson
  • "Remember Me" - Christina Rossetti
  • "I Am Not Yours" - Sara Teasdale
  • "Fern Hill" - Dylan Thomas
  • "Sonnet 116" - Shakespeare
  • "How Do I Love Thee?" - Emily Browning
  • "The Pomegranate" - Eavan Boland
  • "85" - Catullus
  • "Fragment 16" - Sappho
apr 19 2016 ∞
feb 27 2018 +
  • the prancing pony - for all your LOTR, Silmarillion, Tolkien-related fans out there
  • stuff mom never told you - bc i love these ladies
  • overdue - andrew and craig r the best
  • stuff you should know - ugh, i love how they cover such random, interesting, and sometimes very relevant topics on this podcast.
  • ted talks daily - bc why not have a peptalk and motivational speaker start up your day
  • fictional & myths and legends - jason weiss is so good at his job
  • happier - gretchen is such a ray of sunshine
  • inc podcasts - having my faith restored by hearing these podcasts broadcasted by my fellow brothers and sisters makes my heart feel so happy
feb 28 2018 ∞
oct 2 2018 +
  • rupi kaur
  • sappho
  • morgan harper nichols
  • rumi
may 31 2019 ∞
may 31 2019 +
  • lloydminster, alberta, canada
  • nansana, kampala, uganda
  • el maadi, cairo, egypt
mar 1 2018 ∞
may 31 2019 +
  • practice knitting and crocheting!
  • watch TED talks again - remember how much you enjoyed those before?
  • take notes while watching khan academy - you never know what you'll learn!!
  • journaling - especially morning pages, you used to love this, what happened?
  • enjoy reading again - don't read books because someone tells you to, or even because the majority of the world is. if you like it, if you are interested in it, then read it!
  • writing - different from journaling, because you used to love writing stories and prose and poetry and sharing this with the world! keep it up remember how much you loved it.
  • filofax organization - dude. you loved this
sep 23 2018 ∞
sep 23 2018 +
  • all in God's timing
  • what you are feeling now will never come back because you have found someone who sees you as the world
  • everything that you thought about love is wrong - it's so much worse and yet so much more rewarding
  • trust in yourself and who you are because that's who he falls in love with
  • you are much more than your insecurities, but despite that he will kiss your scars and say that they're beautiful
  • he's not who you were expecting, but he is everything that you were praying for
  • you better get used to hearing about star wars
  • he loves you for who you are
mar 1 2018 ∞
mar 1 2018 +
  • La boheme
  • Rent
  • Wicked
  • Cats
  • The Phantom of the Opera
  • The Lion King
  • The Beauty and The Beast
  • West Side Story
  • Evita
  • Mamma Mia
  • My Fair Lady
  • Hamilton
  • Les Miserables
apr 19 2016 ∞
sep 23 2018 +