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I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend

- Faramir, The Two Towers

  • the prancing pony - for all your LOTR, Silmarillion, Tolkien-related fans out there
  • stuff mom never told you - bc i love these ladies
  • overdue - andrew and craig r the best
  • stuff you should know - ugh, i love how they cover such random, interesting, and sometimes very relevant topics on this podcast.
  • ted talks daily - bc why not have a peptalk and motivational speaker start up your day
  • fictional & myths and legends - jason weiss is so good at his job
  • happier - gretchen is such a ray of sunshine
  • inc podcasts - having my faith restored by hearing these podcasts broadcasted by my fellow brothers and sisters makes my heart feel so happy
  • on the line - estee is such a great personality and having her do this sort of series is completely different from her normal youtube channel, but still so estee?? if that makes sense??
  • oprah's master class - it's so inspiring to hear these stories from famous people; candid, real, and their truth.
  • optimal living daily - this is so great for keeping you motivated and positive!!
  • girlboss - seriously just love all the interviews
  • commons - i'm canadian, and so hearing these canadian issues and reports and news stories can just be so interesting and very relevant to whatever is happening right now in life.
  • good night stories for rebel girls - enough said
  • serial - because sarah is asking the real questions!!
feb 28 2018 ∞
oct 2 2018 +