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Howdy! I'm Vesper: artist, gamer, and Chaotic Idiot™ with too many hyperfixations. Main ones right now are Will Wood, Genshin Impact, and Lemon Demon, but there are a ton more. This is just a dump of my info, feel free to take a look around~


There is an unfathomable amount of rambling I could do about every single one of these games, as you can clearly see by the descriptions on the games where I DIDN'T limit myself to a couple of sentences :')) so if you want to talk about any of these, please do!! I would absolutely love to!

  • Undertale

Flowey, Napstablook, Asriel, and Mettaton are my favorites!

  • Hollow Knight

Grimm owns my entire heart and soul. also, BROKEN VESSEL IS THE BEST VESSEL AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL

  • Genshin Impact

My current hyperfixation! I got into this game on June 10th of this year and have been playing it virtually nonstop since. Currently AR 51. I often play with my sister and her husband, the people who got me into the game after months of persuasion. I own seventeen characters at the moment (aside from the obvious Traveler, Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa, I have Noelle, Ningguang, Razor, Barbara, Xinyan, Chongyun, Jean, Diona, Xiangling, Beidou, Diluc, Bennett, and Sayu) but I think it goes without saying that I always desperately want more. In particular I'm seeking Zhongli, Tartaglia/Childe, and Venti; three of my six favorites. The other three are Kaeya, Razor, and Diluc (i am a hopeless Kaeya main, favorite character <3). I've been able to see how all of my favorites play during their respective story quests, and they're all just so fun ;; I do find it funny that my six favorites are all of different Visions, that was unintentional. What was also unintentional was the fact that four of them happen to be the tallest characters in the game?? what can i say... i just like tall characters. I wouldn't even know where to begin as to which of their designs is my favorite, though. Maybe Childe? ...probably Childe, but honestly I don't know for sure ;; all of the character designs in this game are so cool!! anyway, god, i rambled a lot, sorry lmao. this is what happens when i get to talk about my current hyperfixation, regardless of what it happens to be at the moment haha

  • Deltarune

I have a bit of an obsession with jester-like characters so you can imagine the incomprehensible love in my heart for Jevil specifically. He even inspired my own jester character :')) Rouxls Kaard is also a delightful idiot and I adore him

  • OneShot

I adore fourth-wall-breaking games like this <3 I also recorded my whole first playthrough!



  • FEZ

Too small-brain for most of the puzzles, but this game has left a lasting impact on me ever since I first played it <3

  • Crypt of the NecroDancer

I adore rhythm games but this is the only one I own :( Dorian is my favorite character.

  • Super Meat Boy

Haven't gotten 106% and probably never will, because my completionist nature is not strong enough to get me through the most difficult games ^^' I have completed Cotton Alley all the way, though, dark and light. Haven't gotten the dark ending.

  • World Of Goo

One of my childhood favorites <3

  • Minecraft

Username RottenLegacy. The only time I'm not playing singleplayer survival is when I'm building pixel art in creative mode or playing on a survival world with my friends. I'm an extreme neat freak, which makes it frustrating to live with anyone else in the same house—I sort everything in a very specific way with at least twelve individually labeled large chests, which I personally don't find difficult to understand, but other people usually misplace things and it drives me insane. So I love playing with other people, as long as we don't have to live in the same house, haha!

  • Rogue Legacy

The game that gave me my username! "Rotten Legacy" is the name of the soundtrack that plays when you fight the final boss. I love the story of this game, although I don't play it that much anymore as I've done nearly everything there is to do multiple times over. Still haven't beaten the remix bosses, though.

  • Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup

I don't really know how to play this game, to be honest! That's what I realized once I watched a professional play it, haha. I've never gotten close to the Orb; I think my best run made it to level 2 of the Depths. But it's fun even if I don't fully understand it. I've been playing this game since I was a child, so it's pretty close to my heart. I love the character designs, and I've actually made fanart of a couple of my favorites c:

Here are games that I've played, but haven't finished. Progress: Basically, just telling you where I last left off. Please don't spoil me for anything beyond that point!

  • Bendy and the Ink Machine

Honestly, the biggest reason I haven't finished this one is because I'm a little baby who sucks with horror games :')) I don't fully understand what's going on, but I'm eager to find out. I love the colors used in the game, they're very warm. But, like... uncomfortable warm. Like you're inside the stomach of a living creature. Progress: I believe I'm near the end of Chapter 3. The last thing I did was get some ink samples for Alice, I think. With the syringe? It's been a while, actually, since I've played it.

  • Hyper Light Drifter

It's a little hard to gauge my progress in this game. I have not the slightest clue what's actually going on, but here's the basics of what I understand: Important thing...exploded maybe? There's this eldritch-void-horror thing? And my goal is to collect all the triangle pieces and raise all the pillars to...fix the world or something? I suck at piecing things together, but I will learn. Most of the reason I wanted to check out the game was because Disasterpeace composed the music, and I love Disasterpeace. But that's not the only reason! I do genuinely think it's fun; I like the gameplay. And the art style is beautiful. I'd say it reminds me of a cross between Hollow Knight and FEZ. I do wish I could get some dialogue or at least a basic explanation of the story, but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually! Progress: Like I said, it's a little hard to gauge my progress in an open-world game; all I can do is tell you where I've been. I defeated the bird boss in the northern region and the Hermit in the eastern region. I'm currently exploring the western region but haven't made a lot of progress--I don't know what the boss there is yet.

I also have a lot of games that I bought but haven't played yet. Regarding the first four, you can thank Hollow Knight, FEZ, and Undertale. The only reason I haven't started the last few is because I want to record my blind reactions when I do; I've never done this before, so I'm still very new to (and bad at) it. I recorded my playthrough of OneShot, and I'm currently working on recording Hyper Light Drifter. I'd prefer to only be working on one game at a time, y'know? ^^' I'll likely start Shovel Knight after I complete HLD.

  • LIMBO (I've played...35 minutes of this)
  • Portal
  • Portal 2
  • The Stanley Parable
  • Celeste
  • Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
  • Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
  • Terraria
nov 7 2018 ∞
aug 12 2021 +