• Likes:
  • vanilla,, gochiusa,, chinchillas, velvet,, opera,, vocaloid,, ballet,, ballroom,, rpg games,, bows,, curly hair,, fluffy animals,, angora bunnies,, french vanilla chai tea,, piña colada,, satire,, feminine things,, chihuahuas,, tutus,, butterflies,, peaches,, ramune,, laperm cats,, pekingeses,, love live!,, pocky,, mirrors,, lolita fashion,, Victorian era aesthetic,, chandeliers,, scp,, eurobeat,, cuddles,, the phantom of the opera,, legally blonde,, rhythm games,, plushies,, future funk,, utau,, twindrills,, onigiri
  • Dislikes:
  • blood,, worms,, being yelled at,, being stared at,, open doors,, heavy metal,, needles and anything sharp,, being ignored,, denim,, coffee,, olives,, mint,, spicy things,, sjws,, loud chewers,, cigarette smell,, horror movies,, third-wheeling,, spitting,, mucus,, PDA
jun 22 2019 ∞
aug 9 2019 +