- this is truly my comfort website. i feel way more organized once i enter here. what changed from yesterday is that everyone entered the family groupchat again. i don't know if i made a mistake or not. nhe..
- i think my father is sorry for what he did and said. or not, idk. won't talk to him unless he wants to apologize, so it doesn't matter.
- now i'm gonna take the rest of the day for me . i'll watch videos from people i like.
- i've been playing chain idle for way too long.
- camila is making me feel dumb and worthless
- i spent the whole morning talking to iuri and it was fun
- if i had to rate everything in my life, i'd give a 7.8/10.
- neto and joao are being nice
- i'm not scared of tweeting anymore :p and less scared to speak my mind if i want to. still scared, but less.
- i've realized that being private is the best thing someone can do.
- still with the low profile idea in mind, but i need some new ppics.
- i'm down for a drink or two.
- haven't been thinking about boys either.
- everything is peaceful.
oct 5 2022 ∞
oct 5 2022 +