• anti-trump, anti-hillary, anti-conservative, anti-fascist. critical of liberals. pro-communism. all nazis should be killed. trump is a fascist and should be assassinated. capitalism is a flawed system and is not working under our current state of government. anti-police. anti-military. all cops are bad cops. i respect veterans and soldiers, but i believe the military is a system of propaganda used to manipulate our youth, especially poor youth.
  • pro-unionization of workers. everyone deserves a livable wage. tax the rich. better yet, kill the rich. universal healthcare should be a given right.
  • BLACK LIVES MATTER, not all lives. reverse racism, misandry, "cisphobia" and "heterophobia" doesn't exist, stop whining.
  • pedophiles, rapists, abusers and their apologists all deserve to die. pedophilia should not be normalized, and shouldn't be treated as a "mental disorder" or, god forbid, a sexuality/gender identity. it is disgusting and inhumane, and the only thing that can cure it is a swift bullet to the head.
  • the #metoo movement is not full of liars, nor is it a hate group. it was created as a safe space for victims to come together and confess about their abuse. believe victims above all else.
  • rape and pedophilia jokes are NEVER funny. EVER. PERIOD.
  • pro-feminism. anti-radfem and anti-terf. trans women are women. pro-sex work, anti sex work/porn industry.
  • anti-ddlg and rape/noncon/abuse kink even if used as a coping mechanism. no disrespect to the survivors who do use it as a coping mechanism, i just believe there is a far more healthier way to cope. ddlg/kink culture can reintroduce you to abusive tendencies/beliefs/people and can retraumatize you. pedophilic, incestual, and abusive ships are nasty, and if you ship these things, you're nasty and are adding to the problem of pedo/rape/abuse normalization and romanticization. stop that shit.
  • moderate on ace discourse/choose not to get into it too much. critical of cishet aces. i think cishet aces deserve their own safe spaces separate from lgbt spaces. i say this as someone who is aceflux due to trauma. i don't think cishet aces are able to reclaim slurs targeted towards lgb individuals. stop calling yourselves q*eer.... please.... for the love of god.
  • pan and bi are the same thing (attraction to all genders), but sometimes the distinction matters to people and that's okay. bi people aren't inherently transphobic, and vice versa for pan people.
  • you don't need dysphoria to be trans. gender dysphoria is a mental illness with strict diagnostic standards, including SIGNIFICANT distress. some trans people don't experience this distress and that's okay. anti-transmed. nonbinary people and 'mogai' genders are valid and fall under the trans umbrella and should be respected. "transtrenders" don't exist. the best way for trans people to receive healthcare in terms of hormones and surgeries is through informed consent clinics. cis transmeds are just transphobes.
  • not everyone likes being called q*eer due to trauma reasons or otherwise, so please stop cramming it down their throats and getting mad if someone asks you to stop calling them q*eer.
  • anti-vaxxers are child abusers. if you do not vaccinate your children for reasons besides they have a significant medical condition or allergy that prevents them from being vaccinated, you're abusing your children and do not deserve to have children. vaccines don't cause autism, cancer, allergies, sudden death, etc. grow a fucking brain.
  • i'm extremely critical of vegans that are vegan besides health reasons/dietary restrictions. many vegan alternatives require the use of farmers in third world countries that work for very little, and major companies have exploited them due to high demand. veganism in general is expensive in this current day and age, and pushing it onto others that can't afford it is classist. gmos aren't dangerous and don't cause cancer. "alternative" medicine is a crock of shit and should not be substituted over ACTUAL medicine.
  • autism speaks is a hate group and works to eradicate and rid of autistic people by supporting actual eugenics, and ableist parents that have abused their children or wanted to kill their children because of their autism. groups like asan should be the preferred group for autism acceptance. #redinstead of light it up blue.
  • i am pro-self diagnosis for disorders such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and ptsd, but believe a professional diagnosis should be required for disorders such as bipolar disorder, autism, adhd, personality disorders, did, schizo spectrum disorders, and psychosis.
  • toxic masculinity should be a feminist issue and needs to be properly addressed, as toxic masculinity is one of the roots of misogyny.
  • trans men aren't immune to toxic masculinity and transmisogyny. check yourself, lads.
  • using slurs that you cannot reclaim is nasty and automatically makes you racist/lgbtphobic/ableist if used.
  • keep children out of cringe culture. it's awful to bully a child over their interests, especially since cringe culture that targets children typically targets obviously autistic and neurodivergent children.
  • furries, otherkin, fictionkin, etc. aren't cringy or weird. stop making fun of people's interests and fandoms. cringe culture should be focused on humiliating nazis, racists, sexists, pedos, lgbtphobes, etc.
  • it is possible to "drop" problematic media, yet still consider yourself a fan. pirate the media, make your own merch, etc. do not contribute a single dollar to the media, but enjoy it in your own way.
  • homeless people aren't inherently criminals, drug addicts, evil, or untrustworthy just because they are homeless. they are people down on their luck. to assume otherwise is classist. making fun of homeless people is classist. help your local homeless community as much as you can through volunteer work and donations.
  • ALL recreational drugs and drug use needs to be legalized AND decriminalized. weed isn't really legal until all those who have been wrongfully imprisoned for drug possession are released from their sentences without repercussions. drug addicts aren't the reason for high pharmaceutical prices or controlled substances. blame big pharma, not addicts. drug addiction is a mental disorder and should be treated as such with proper medical attention and care rather than a prison sentence.
apr 12 2019 ∞
may 9 2019 +