here's a good one. FYI - I do video/photography for a christian missionary support company in the dominican republic/haiti - I live with a family for three or four days at a time, and make a video about whatever work they do - usually some form of humanitarian thing. Likes:
- The obvious - I'm helping out with people who are doing things that are very worthy causes.
- I get to help out with the poor, the hungry, the sick, etc.
- Its a job I feel God called me to - it's glorifying to Him.
- I love the creative aspect.
- I have a boss, but nobody telling me what to do.
- I get to travel, see a new country, learn a new language.
- I've come to appreciate a lot of things that I used to take for granted while living in the US.
- I won't lie, the women here love american men. :)
- Never working on the same project for more than a week.
- Dislikes
- How many friends do I have here? Between 0 and 1.
- I have the fluency of about a four year old.
- "I won't lie, the women here love american men." and I can't speak to them.
- There are so unspoken moral agreements about working with a Christian company. I agree with all of them, but it's not fun to have guidelines about how to live your life.
- I'm on the clock 24/7, except for when I'm sleeping.
- Volunteer work, so a complete lack of a paycheck.
- Working with lazy missionaries is the most frustrating thing. "200 people are sending you money, and you do what?"