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sorry for the ugly profile ugh

my ongoing section is for make random lists from "generate list topics"

also, i am brazilian. sry for the broken english or errors,,

mimi movies (to-watch-fev/25)
nata 2025 (films)
beable movies (movies to watch when jack's away)
quotes (2025)
autobio (2025)

ik it is memories but he isn't dead or anything

  • my dog familiarizing with my house. he explored home slowly, and always ran away when something scared him. the last place him discovered was the porch. this process took some weeks.
  • we playing pirate. the sofa was our ship. our swords were two sticks with wood birds in the top.
  • he asking me for pet him. he scratched the sofa for me to pick him up.
jun 25 2020 ∞
jun 25 2020 +