• narcissus are popular garden flowers and harbingers of springs native to europe, north africa and asia
  • this short-lived bloom bears the name of narcissus, a handsome youth who spurned the love of many until one day he saw his reflection in a pool and fell so deeply in love with the boy he could not have, he drowned trying to embrace him (or drown himself in despair, or starved to death)
  • a narcissus is also mentioned as the flower that persephone was distracted by, giving hades the opportunity to abduct her
  • through folkloric mention, narcissus is a flower of the dead and of the underworld, making it suitable for funerary rites as well as those related to the changing of the seasons through rebirth allegory
  • is a calming flower that helps bring about inner peace, hope and self-love
  • it symbolize rebirth, resurrection, renewal and new beginnings
  • it may also be used in spells related to unrequited love
  • is toxic and should not be used for medicine; narcissus particularly has poisonous bulbs and leaves. the bulbs look very similar to onions, so it is important they they not be planted near onions to avoid confusion and accidental poisoning
jun 17 2017 ∞
oct 9 2019 +