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Happy days
(June 2016)
day 1
I kissed my friend
I organised my scholar material
I talked with another friend about my recovery
I watched That 70's Show in school before class
I wore warm clothes
day 2
I played basket ball and I made my team won
I ate cookies
I made a perfect eyeliner
I gave a biology class
day 3
I watched That 70's Show at school
I understood what my grammar teacher says
I ate good food
I spent the whole English class in the floor
I did the math challenge
I got a 68% in physics exam
I learnt chemistry
I teached genetic to my friend
day 4
I'm feeling productive
I made my science project flow
I'm two weeks "clean"
I'm feeling calm
I watched friends
I've played basket ball
I had a good night
I woke up warm and cozy
day 5
My history teacher is proud of me because I'm better now emotionally
I talked with my psychologist
I read a funny fic
day 6
I took a good breakfast
I watched Orphan Black eating in my bed
I took a shower
I lunched pizza
I heard Springsteen for the first time
I watched
Now you see me 2
in the cinema
My cousin were nice to me today
day 7
I spent the day doing lists in my cute table
I spent the day wearing sweater and socks
I made tea
I took a long bath
day 8
Today is comfortably cold
I drank a good herbal tea
I woke up earlyer then usual
I'm enjoying being at home
I took a shower listening music
I made my friend really happy
day 9
A girl said that she wanna met me
I got ready to school really quick
I had a person to talk about biology
I helped teaching biology, history and a little bit of physics
I played basketball and it was fun
Someone understood what I say
I watched
don't hug me I'm scared
with my friend
day 10
I talked with my "mom"
I probably got an A in biology test
I had the best conversation with a biology teacher about evolution
I was productive working on my project
I found myself again into biology
day 11
I played basketball
I learnt about snakes
I made my philosophy work
I visited the museum and talked with the biologist there about DNA and stuff
I saw a video about lab rats
day 12
I got a good grade in grammar
I passed in geography
I met a wonderful person and she talk so well about feminism and self acceptance
The history class was a discussion about sexual harassment
day 13
I woke up early
I drank tea with my sister
I spent a time with my older cat
I watched
orphan black
I played guitar
I talked with my adorable friend
I'm wearing a cute and warm turtleneck
I did a trowback
I spent the night in my friends house
I heard Lana del Rey, Melanie Martinez and David Bowie all day
day 14
I finished my school book for the exam tomorrow
I organised the hall in the back of my house
I woke up like 6am very happy
It was cold day
day 15
I bought a vinyl
I listened to Elvis
My crush likes biology too
I spent a little time with my dog
I talked with my friend's boyfriend
day 16
I spent an adorable break time with my friends, we sat in the ground and heard loud music
I watched
I woke up early and did a perfect make up
I watched some videos before I got in the bus
My friend trusted me to tell her problems and I tried to help her
day 17
My biology teacher gave me a hug and asked me if I'm okay
I'm a month clean
I laughed so hard because in my math test there was a company named FatCock
day 18
Today was the last day of school
I watched
finding Dory
I had a good talk with people
My biology teacher came to our class to see us
I'm one month without cutting
jun 18 2016 ∞
sep 21 2017 +