• The San Francisco Brewing Company (they have a beer named after Emperor Norton, i liked it, jenz did not)
  • The Elbo Room (where i went for my 21st birthday, good memories and they have a photo booth)
  • Martunis (gay piano bar, does it get better than that?)
  • Pops (you can play pac man, enough said)
  • Cheers (mostly just because it is literally 30 seconds from my house, and they have a pool table and sweet juke box)
  • noc nocs (memories of being underage...)
  • the bitter end (happy hour with alisa, amazing)
  • bliss (mojitos, a chain link fence inside, red walls)
  • the deluxe club (mojitos...)
  • the transfer (cheap happy hour, vodka tonics with blueberry stoli)
  • there are so many more... probably can't remember them cause i was drunk... to be continued....
jul 1 2006 ∞
oct 10 2006 +