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I am... awesome? I dunno, I'm incredibly strange, if you can't tell by what I choose to list.
..Yeah. My favorite might be the upcoming Day In The Life of My Bladder: A Pee Journal

scooter music (Concerts I've Been To)
listography TERMS

my friends are awesome, and im pretty sure this is proof. An Ever Growing & Changing List Of Awesome Quotes:

  • Pantea: Oh fuck a nut!/Kyle:Coconuts are the only ones big enough..
  • Pantea: I still have to call the Canadian embassy in LA but..
  • Pantea: I had a kickass raspberry preserve this morning.
  • Jenz: You can't touch that unless you're gonna fucking touch that in bed-- you know?!
  • Lorraine: Oh yea, definitely cuz we've gotta be out of here at 5! (referring to cutting our staff meeting to make the pillow fight)
  • Sam: Haven't you got dibbs on my brother?
  • Jabe: Hi, I'm Jabe/Me: Hi I'm Susan/Sam: SUSAN'S IN LOVE WITH *******!!!
feb 11 2007 ∞
jul 2 2007 +
  • my bed
  • puppies!
  • wine
  • my friends
  • laughing uber hard
  • my family
  • stitch
  • INTERNET ACCESS (i have a problem)
  • my car
  • chapstick
jun 3 2007 ∞
jun 29 2007 +
  • not being able to sleep
  • waiting in line for a big disappointment
  • my room smelling dirty (like food, or wet dog...etc)
  • the floor (inside) being so dirty that you have to wear shoes for fear of sticking to/crunching something
  • people invading my personal space
mar 1 2007 ∞
may 4 2007 +

these are the websites i visit in chronological order, and yes, i do it the same way just about every day (unless im just looking at one site)


yes, i know i have a problem

feb 19 2007 ∞
feb 19 2007 +

yes, i like listography THAT much. and im bored. yeah, i know its a sad life.

  • febreze
  • deoderant
  • white out/sharpie/glittery/highlighter pens
  • an awesome list of quotes from pantea
  • a $10 gift certificate to fandango
  • a muni pass and movie ticket from 1/24
  • my tattoo design
  • a combo lock
  • a thing of double stuff oreos
  • some tagalog phrases on a post it
  • free museum day list
  • a valentine for my parents!
  • a postcard that british tom gave me that says that he was breaking up with me because im too much like his father.
  • paperwork.
  • crap pertaining to my computer (mouse, monitor, speakers...etc)
feb 10 2007 ∞
feb 10 2007 +
  • celia
  • aurelia
  • lorraine
  • jordan
  • aiden
  • seamus
  • filbert
  • jeffrey
  • joaquin
  • parker
  • nathaniel
  • elias
  • frederick
  • jupiter
  • davis
  • nino
  • pasha
  • mao zedong
  • ho chi minh
  • faefae
  • anubis
feb 5 2007 ∞
feb 5 2007 +

it'll get longer as i remember, and do more awesome stuff.

  • International Rubiks Cube Competition at the Exploratorium 1/13/07
  • Great SF Pillow Fight on the Embarcadero 2/14/07
  • Lovemakers- Shake Your Ass video shoot. AWESOME (2/?/06)
  • Kimber's Day-Long Memorial Day Bar-B-Q at Fort Mason (5/?/06 & 5/28/07)
  • The Day We Did Nothing Free (Summer/07)
  • Castro as Eve on Halloween (October/whichever day/04)
  • Free concerts at the Conservatory of Music! (whenever 07 & on)
  • Free Movie Screenings when they actually pan out! (300, 3/6/07)
  • Eating the Earthquake @ Ghiradellis... we dominated. (3/21/07)
feb 13 2007 ∞
jul 5 2007 +
  • retroactive withdrawl papers... im horrible
  • fold all my clothes
  • do the dishes
  • go to bed early
  • stop hating kyle for dropping sign
  • stop fucking about on listography
  • get over accents
  • make decisions
  • do more laundry
  • stop eating the oreos
  • take out my trash
  • give kim back her 2 pairs of shoes, skirt and shirt
  • remember to do the pee journal...perhaps tomorrow
feb 10 2007 ∞
jul 2 2007 +

i will protect the identity of the sender as i see fit...

  • Jenz: I will go ahead and take credit for your multiple orgasms right off the bat...the whole time during the interview I was like GOD where is Susan
  • Jodi: This is a threatening text. You should in to the party. Or else. Dun dun dun.
  • Jenz: I got hit on by a midget last night...our nights were both successful
  • Jenz: It's not stacks unless someone is hungover as fuck
  • Lew: So susan did you hear we are 1/16 african american? And you said i have a bubble butt, but its my african american heritage.
feb 5 2007 ∞
jan 8 2010 +
  • Starlight Room
  • Equinox
  • The Waterfront
  • Tadich Grill
  • Town Hall
  • Delancy Street
  • Towns End
  • South Park Cafe
  • Cliffhouse
mar 21 2007 ∞
apr 1 2007 +

most of these things are highly unlikely, cept for the skinnier.. or if not skinny ill get healthier.. whatever, read on.

  • cartilidge...wanted it for ages. just havent done it. also kind of afraid to get it because i always sleep on my side, ow.
  • tattoo... gorgeous "B" in the middle of my back, i want it. if youve been in my room youve seen what im thinking about
  • nipple i dont know, about 3 people mentioned it to me on thursday, evidently i have cute nipples for such things... i would have to get 1 to see if i could commit to 2.. i know, lopsidedness.
  • getting skinnier! im working out at the gym ~5 days a week. well see if it a)lasts and b) does anything
  • i reaaally like rachels new piercing... its the bendy inside part of her ear... like in LOVE with it
feb 10 2007 ∞
feb 26 2007 +
  • oreos
  • my bed
  • movies
  • texting
  • aim and reading away messages (its like an illness, i swear)
  • cursive (it hurts to print)
  • smiling
  • hot chocolate
  • ice cream, in all forms
  • my friends
  • kims shoes
  • dogs
  • any and all animals that dont want to love me back
  • listening to itunes while in the shower
  • really long showers
  • cute, comfortable underwear
  • t-shirts
  • jeans
  • sweatshirts
feb 10 2007 ∞
feb 10 2007 +

I'm leaving out the movies that were gifts and I don't really like all that much... yea I know I'm a bad person. (and my HPs aren't in alphabetical, they're in chronological)

  • Amelie
  • American History X
  • A Mighty Wind
  • Bend It Like Beckham
  • Boondock Saints
  • Bridget Jones's Diary
  • Catch Me If You Can
  • Cheaters
  • Chicago
  • Cinderella
  • Drive Me Crazy
  • Edward Scissorhands
  • Ever After
  • Fifth Element
  • Fight Club
  • Footloose
feb 5 2007 ∞
feb 5 2007 +
  • jamelia- beware of the dog
  • rihanna- umbrella
  • paul mc cartney- dance all night? or something?
may 13 2007 ∞
jul 2 2007 +

yea, yea i totally ripped this one off jenzy but i was inspired... my bad. (obviously some of these need to be updated and changed and whatnot)

  • 1 voicemail
  • 2 running springs house
  • 3 chris
  • 4 daddy
  • 5 jenzy
  • 6 "greg"
  • 8 ursula
  • 9 kimber
  • 10 seniores
  • 12 linz
  • 13 benha
  • 20 pantea
  • 22 chizzle
  • 23 stepha
  • 30 kyle
  • 35 fae
  • 40 heatherito
jun 25 2007 ∞
jun 25 2007 +
  • a motorcycle (find one that fits me and that i wouldnt die instantly on)
  • a lisence (gonna have to take the class and then the test)
  • insurance (need to research whats the cheapest/best)
  • helmet (need to try em on, figure out my size..)
  • gloves (same, find a good pair)
  • jacket (same, find a good one that will hopefully protect me if i eat it)
  • practice (the class... need to sign up for that)
  • knowledge (work on it, ride it, love it)
  • tools n things? (figure out what i need...)
  • a cover? (depends on where im keeping it
apr 17 2007 ∞
apr 17 2007 +

im trying to do this in chronological order... (jenz kim & urs were all in the room at the time though...)

  • christopher (my piercer!)
  • jenz
  • kim
  • ursula
  • hez
  • steph
  • lacey
  • beca
  • kevin
  • nate
  • pantea
  • ryan
  • tony
  • dre
  • elena
  • ona
  • gina
  • chizzle
feb 27 2007 ∞
mar 12 2007 +
  • jenz (you let me take pictures of myself, and then take pictures OF me, allow me to gush and be angry and always listen, be fatty w/me... awesomeness. plus you put up with boob-grabbing.)
  • kim (you are spastic and love to use me as a pillow. you get over my stupid shit, and i really appreciate it. youve been around for me forever and im really glad i got past hating you freshman year. plus youre hot AND you let me borrow all your clothes.)
  • steph (YOUR MOM. and you know, cunt punching. hillarity. fatness. laziness. yes.)
  • kyle (you squeal when we poke you, restrain us when we try to tickle you and get real angry when i try and touch your special places.)
  • fae (beetles are GOOD doctors! do i have to say more?)
  • jeremy piven
feb 6 2007 ∞
feb 13 2007 +
  • Zola
  • Jeff!!! (My beautiful baby boy)
  • Bailey (Lo's child)
  • Darcy (new addition, ADORABLE)
  • Feldman (who I keep calling Kiva... whoops)
  • Cute little boston terrier at puppy class that licked the cheese off of Zolas face and kept shooting out of her owners arms
  • JUNIOR! The adorable tiny baby of 2 daddies, oh my god, so great
  • Bartholomews: saint bernard puppy who was NOT the size of a puppy
  • any other puppy at puppy class this morning
  • any and all great danes, i really really want one
  • greater swiss/bernese mountain dog. give ...
feb 10 2007 ∞
feb 10 2007 +