• "Little Old Ms. Cannon"

Little old Ms. Cannon whose wrist lives in a brace. She thinks she's so cool with that smirk on her face. She's gonna get crunk, yet not very peachy though she smells very badly, and tries to be teachy.

    • "4-toed Monster"

A four toed monster named Mrs. Garcia tries to teach, but can't be a teacher. I'd feel very bad for the old lady who lived in a shoe, because if it was Mrs. Garcia's, the old lady would slip and fall in old crusty toe-goo.

    • "Old Conniption Lady"

She calls me an idiot, and also retard, although I try oh so very, very hard. She runs around the room screaming, "I'm gonna have a conniption!," all day, and though its not a word, we still hope to find out what it means, some day.

(*ps-keep in mind that i wrote these in the 6th grade.)

jun 29 2009 ∞
jun 29 2009 +