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"i will retreat into myself, where i have resided obscurely through immeasurable and contrasting lives, all disorganized and stacked on top of each other in the pit of my stomach."


(!) all plots listed below are open to modifications/changes. most of these are friendship-forward.

(!!) i'm sorry i'm obsessed with finding the longest titles for every single one of my plots, i will never stop.

"you two keep silent and the silence gets delicious, and then one of you two talk and listening gets delicious" — any gender, any age.

  • he doesn’t do this often, it’s really not him, but he finds himself gravitating towards you among the crowd. he chalks it up, tries to convince himself really hard after the second drink, to your box blond hair glimmering underneath the seedy disco lights. you’re out of his league, but he tries his luck anyways, to which you kindly reject. he’s a good sport and you two have a good laugh over it, you even offer to buy him a drink, says he looks like he needs it, and before either of you know it the clock strikes five but you’re both still wide awake talking to each other. do you ask for his number? or say your goodbyes here?

"you think i wanna be in this fucking minecraft piece of shit?"

  • tbd.

"your pain is safe with me and i will stay with you longer than your sorrows if you let me" — any gender, any age. closed.

  • you had an especially tough day—week—month? whatever, your life is in shambles and you decide to find refuge in the bar he works at. you lose count after the nth drink and pass out at the counter. he tries waking you up but instead of telling him anything useful, like your address for one, you blabber on and on about a name he’s never heard before. he thinks vulnerability is courage, even when it’s been induced by alcohol, so he’s moved by you, doesn’t want to leave you here. he brings you back to his place for safekeeping. will you leave out of embarrassment when you wake up? or will you, still hungover and in day old clothes, lay your heart bare to this strange man donning hello kitty pjs?

"so on thursdays, give me space to die a little in private." — any gender, any age. closed.

  • you frequent his bar every thursday. it becomes part of your routine and you soon become a regular. small talk turns into full on conversations turns into you losing track of time and rushing out when you realize how long you’ve been here. you don’t mind ranting to him about the mundane intricacies of your life. after all, you two are nobodies to each other outside of these four walls but what happens when you meet for the first time in the real world in the weirdest of ways? when neither of you are who each other expect?

"i've had enemies so intense that it felt romantic, so mutual it felt like love” — female of the same age.

  • tbd. basically you guys are exes who ended on very bad terms and haven’t talked ever since. you meet again under the worst circumstances (think locked in together and forced to interact).

“i want it to be terminal. i want there to be no escape” — male of the same age. closed for now.

  • tbd. basically seonghun has never felt this way about a guy before until meeting your muse. he’s never been afraid of love, but you aren’t ready for it or him. you guys fall into this dance of confusion and miscommunication and end up hurting each other in ways unimaginable.
  • (!) this is not a love-line, just a self-gratuitous angst plot.
feb 12 2023 ∞
feb 27 2023 +