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  • birthmark on my upper lip.
  • my moles on my right and left arms are in lines...i'm the easiest game of connect the dots
  • i always have rings on and a necklace
  • road burn on my right arm 3 patches to be exact (dragged by a dog)
  • road burn on right knee(bike accident)
  • 4 tattoos : one on my foot. one on the back of my neck. one on my left wrist one on my hip
  • piercings. 8 holes..4 each year.. Right ear-double pierced and 2 cartilage left ear: double pierced tragus and rook
  • freckles on my cheeks :]
  • scar on my scalp from when i cracked my head open :]
  • scar across my upper chest
oct 27 2010 ∞
oct 27 2010 +