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  • My Brother. He will always be my #1 hero. i'll never forget all the texts and emails while he was over seas and in the marines.
  • My sister- she truly is one half of me. I look up to her more than she could possibly know, and i am so proud of who she has become and the things she has accomplished. she is my best friend whether or not she believes me
  • The Spears-each and everyone one of them has touched me and helped me through all the ups and downs, i truly don't know what i would do without them, they will never ever get rid of me!
  • Zachary-seriously like my best friend, i can tell him anything and know he's going to give me his honest opinion on what he thinks. He's someone who does so much for people and yet hardly gets much in return and that hurts me to see.
  • Breanna- gave me such a different outlook on life, i always held back thoughts and opinions til i met her and started hanging out with her... when i would text someone or call or write it was "1..2..3..SEND..okay too late to go back now" i don't know what i would have done without her freshman year of college.
aug 17 2010 ∞
aug 17 2010 +