• You are the only regret in my life. I don't regret my choice to see you or the time we spent together. I regret the fact that I let myself lose my voice and be controlled by you. I regret that I rarely stood up for myself. Looking back, I do not know how we lasted so long. I was a coward. You were someone who gave me attention and made me feel better about myself after the biggest heartbreak of my life. You got mad at the stupidest things. You hated when I wanted to spend time with my friends. I strongly believe you are bi-polar. One second you were happy the next you were snapping at me. Also, my parents are great people. I regret lying to them. They have given me everything and when I was with you I was disrespecting them and disappointing them. And my mom had every right to hate you. Oh and though Tiffany's is great. I'm not into labels though I am into heart-felt gifts. 5 of the same charms with I love you in different languages is NOT heartfelt. Listen to your parents. They are great people and they love you and you have disrespected them way too many times. You are not the greatest person alive and you are not always right. Get over yourself. I feel bad for you but never again will I subject myself to your control. Never ever will I let someone make decisions for me. Biggest mistake of my life. BUT an example to live by. Update: I realize that I am partially at fault for this relationship catastrophe, I do. I know that I should have been strong enough to stop it before it got to the point where I felt trapped. And I do realize we had some good times BUT you. are. just... ridiculous. Whenever I think about you I get so frustrated. Our relationship turned into you begging and me doing everything just to spite you. If I thought it'd make you happy I'd do the opposite just so you wouldn't get that satisfaction. Also, stop texting me. I dumped you and haven't spoke to you in length since for a reason. I do not feel the need to be friends with you and I have no idea why you think you need to be friends with me.
  • Get over yourself. You are not the shit. Being my friend does not mean degrading me and trying to make me feel bad about myself. And give our friends a little more credit- they are smart intelligent people just like you. I don't get where you get off telling other people what to do and complaining about not seeing us when you're the one ditching out 24/7. You are the most inflexible person I know. Why must EVERYTHING be a fight? You frustrate me. Who died and made you QUEEN of anything? Sometimes (most of the time) I wonder why I even consider you a friend. Update: you are a horrible person. You take advantage of your friends and try to gain from their misfortunes. You are the MOST selfish person I have ever met.
  • You say you're my friend but friends don't judge other friends and talk about them behind their backs. You are a huge hypocrite and sometimes I can't stand you. I can't even stand being alone with you anymore. You've become so negative and just not fun to be around. I don't know what happened. You blame me for everything and judge me. That's not a friend I want to be around.
  • I don't know if you belong on this list but part of me does hate you. I hate you for not trying to make things work and for not warning me. You just come over and drop a bomb with the stupidest excuses I have ever heard. And you just walked away. It was so easy for you. I envy that. I wish it was that simple for me. I know you haven't given me a second thought since the day you broke my heart. Though part of me hates you, the other part is thankful for showing me what it feels like to love someone so much. Too much. That was our downfall. I would've done anything for you. And in 7 words you ruined everything.
  • I hate the way you make me feel like I am not good enough. I try so hard in school but still I can't live up to your angel. And of course the weight thing drives me nuts. Don't brush you're insecurities off on me. I am not fat! IF I AM HAPPY I DON'T CARE WHAT I LOOK LIKE! I hate that you don't spend time with me. You'd drop everything for K but not for anyone else. Everyone says its menopause but that's no excuse to whine and complain and put everything over your family. You need to get your priorities straight. And soon.
  • You need to stop overreacting. You are such a spoiled brat and I cannot take it. You are given everything and yet you still find reason to complain. You say you're independent... look around. You would be nothing without mom and dad and the roof they put over your head. Stop making me feel guilty for where I am in my life. Take a chill pill and get over yourself.
  • You confuse me. Do you actually care or do you just want a fuck buddy? I really want, more than anything, to go back to being friends. I messed up by thinking I could do fwb or whatever I thought we were doing. I just miss joking around with you and now its just kinda awkward. Boo.
may 3 2010 ∞
jun 12 2011 +