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Advice column started by those noisy kids at the back of 5E Art. Now with more SHOFG! members! Let's all work hard and be beautiful!


Like most teenage girls who get bouts of breakouts, whether or not I touch or pick at them, I have acne scars. Now, this can all be easily solved with a bit of BB cream or foundation, but why do that when you want a flawless complexion? Here are some things you can do to banish them for good:

  • Use lemon juice! I usually leave it overnight without diluting it since my skin isn't sensitive, but it's best to just put it on the scar itself and leave it for 10-20 minutes up to half an hour and then rinsing it off. If your skin is sensitive, it's recommended that you dilute the lemon juice first. Keep in mind though that this process takes a lot longer because it is organic, and you have to be committed to see results!
  • Apple Cider Vinegar apparently works wonders on your skin. It's best to buy an organic brand, and to dilute it (Either 1:1 or 1:2 parts water ratio). Although this is also an organic remedy, it's apparently the fastest method to get rid of those scars! I'll be starting my ACV treatment today, so I'll keep you all posted on the progress!
  • Ice helps to get rid of the redness left on acne scars. Just hold some ice on the scar until it feels numb, and do it every day. Pearl Powder is also good for this!
  • Honey and Sandalwood paste(aka the Burmese facial that I gave to some of you last time), are also different ways to curb the redness of an acne scar and to lighten it. You can use the honey as a spot treatment, or leave the sandalwood on for 30 minutes before washing your face. Additionally, mixing a bit of honey into the paste is good as well.
  • Exfoliating is good! This strips your skin of its outermost cells, so it allows the skin on the scars to renew themselves faster. Just don't overdo it...

This is all I have for now, but if I find more ways to combat those pesky scars, I'll update this list!

dec 8 2014 ∞
jul 19 2015 +