currently reading:

  • The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher
  • Crooked Kingdom (Six Of Crows #2) - Leigh Bardugo
  • Half Wild (Half Bad #2) - Sally Green (ugh)
  • Redshirts - John Scalzi (I WILL PICK THIS BACK UP AND FINISH IT. I. WILL.)


  • Gathering of Shadows (Darker Shade of Magic #2) - V. E. Schwab
  • Nightrunner (Nightrunner #1) - Lynn Flewelling


  • Adulting 101 - Lisa Henry ◉◉◉◎◎
    • 3 stars - cute start to the year. comparable in feel to simon vs the homosapiens for me, for some reason. in kind of a negative way? but it was light and sweet. wouldn't read it again but i'm glad i read it.
  • Green but for a Season (Captive Prince #2.5) - C. S. Pacat ◉◉◉◐◎
    • 3.5 stars - i rounded this to 4 on goodreads, and technically it is a 4 because i would read it again, but it's kind of hard to rate. but as an add-on to Prince's Gambit, it's fantastic. and i cried a lil, poor jord.
  • The Summer Palace (Captive Prince #3.5) - C. S. Pacat ◉◉◉◉◉
    • 5 stars - all the stars, i highlighted like every other sentence and put my phone down every other page to scream "LAURENT" and "MY BABY BOY" at the sky
  • The Hating Game - Sally Thorne ◉◉◉◉◉
    • 5 stars - omg! this book was so much fun?! can't even remember the last time i enjoyed a romance this much. everything about this was fantastic, joyful and fun. the writing was witty and engaging, and the characters honestly jumped off the page they were so alive and real. I loved both lucy AND joshua individually so, so much, and together they were just ... so good. i have no words, i adored this. i can't even count the number of times i either squealed inhumanly, giggled like a child, or just straight out laughed seriously hard. i immediately went back and read the first two chapters after i finished it, haha.
jan 1 2017 ∞
jul 3 2019 +