Go into your archives and copy the first line of the first entry for every month: 2007

  • January: I don't really know what to write about, it doesn't feel like the new year.
  • February: this is so odd.
  • March: well, I just got back from the Talent Show, which was really fun.
  • April: I'm leaving for Tennessee tomorrow with my oh-so-wonderous family.
  • May: this week sucks.
  • June: so, I got home last night from Maine.
  • July: I took a bunch of photos for no reason with my brother.
  • August: I probably have a solid thousand different things to tell you that Lydia and I did while we were in Holland, but that would be completely time consuming, and I'm pretty sure halfway through the retelling of our tale, everyone would fall asleep on their keyboards.
  • September: I've been listening to Wicked a lot, because I watched half of High School Musical and needed to rid my brain of the filth.
  • October: my mouth is healing, which is good, and nothing at all has happened since the friday morning surgery, other than Heroes tonight.
  • November: I probably have a lot of things to say (I know I have a lot of things to say) but I just... don't feel like really posting.
  • December: is it really really weird that I don't really care about my birthday?
mar 14 2008 ∞
dec 16 2008 +