• ‘we’ve been commuting on the same train for a while but this is the first time you’ve sat next to me and i didn’t think you even realized i’m here everyday until you asked me how long i’ve been commuting and i’m panicking a little bc you’re rly hot and nice wtf’ au
  • ‘you come to the pet shop everyday and look at the dogs but whenever i ask you say you don’t want any but you keep coming in are you sure you don’t want one bc that one time i let you hold a puppy you nearly cried’ au
  • ‘i’m your tattoo artist and i fall a little bit more in love with you every time you tell me what your next tattoo means’ au
  • ‘we’re discussing how our flights are delayed and i just realized you’re the person i had a massive crush on in high school and idk if i should bring it up’ au


  • “you sit across from me in class and every morning you stare me down whilst eating a banana” AU
  • “you answered my very specific wants/likes on my grindr/tinder profile” AU
  • “you dressed as deadpool for halloween and kept following me around because im in a spiderman costume” AU
  • “your first impression of me is ‘that guy who came up to his apartment at 2am one night drunk and naked’” AU
  • “impromptu rap battle but we’re both drunk as fuck i hope you know the words to gangsta’s paradise” AU
  • “you found me under the tree in the quad drunk and yelling at the pigeons” AU
  • “i caught you singing opera music by yourself in full costume” AU
  • “standing behind you in line and i’ve been reading your text argument you’ve been having with you friend and one of the insults they used made me laugh really hard” AU
  • “you were doing a dramatic reading of an erotic novel when i started quoting it line by line from memory” AU
  • “i had to take the bus to comic con dressed in full knight regalia please stop laughing at me” AU
  • “you kept complimenting my clothes saying how much our style was the same until you caught me stealing your clothes from the dryer one night” AU
jul 4 2017 ∞
jul 4 2017 +