- A - Available: nohoho!
- B - Best Friend: claruto the monkeyman! and ysrael of course ❤
- C - Color of Your Room: white. durrty white. haha! i plan to repaint it soon.
- D - Dad’s Name: enrique. Iglesias. :p
- E - Easiest Person To Talk To: gab and satch, my 6 and 2 yr old niece and nephew. ❤
- F - Favorite Food: chocolate in any form. pasta and pizza.
- G - Gummy Bears Or Worms: wurmzzz.
- H - Hometown: sunny town forever.
- I - Instrument: harmonica. i wanna learn how to play.
- J - Job: I wish I was ernie baron’s sidekick. If only he were alive.
- K - Kids: twoy and blackie. my frog plushies. hihi!
- L - Longest Car Ride: to Sagada.
- M - Milk Flavor: milk
- N - Number Of Siblings: zero.
- O - One Wish: more wishes
- P - Phobias: musophobia. fekin filthy animals!
- Q - Favorite Quote: "I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats"
- R - Reason To Smile: early morning sunshine
- S - Song You Last Heard: sweet disposition.temper trap
- T - Time You Woke Up: 524 to be exact
- U - Unknown Fact About Me: i count my moles. (it's 13 by the way)
- V - Vegetable: romaine lettuce
- W - Worst Habits: daydreaming
- X - X-Rays You’ve Had: when I had an accident last '07. They clycloped my ginormous knees.
- Y - Your Favorite Pastime: human watching.
- Z - Zodiac Sign: baa ram ewe?
-photo: blackie my frog❤
mar 9 2010 ∞
mar 9 2010 +