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people (heroes, heart-breakers)
mar 18 2018
crushes (gentlemen)
mar 18 2018
names (girls & boys)
mar 18 2018
television (to watch)
aug 22 2014
health (cures for homesickness & illness)
aug 22 2014
wishlist (frivolous things)
aug 22 2014
music (music)
aug 22 2014
books (2014)
jul 12 2014
movies (to watch '14)
jul 12 2014
food (sweet tooth)
jul 12 2014
movies (2014)
jul 12 2014
to do (summer 2013)
jul 12 2014
books (to read: '13 edition)
jul 12 2014
books (2013)
jul 12 2014
books (to read: '12 edition)
oct 28 2013
crushes (stardust)
oct 28 2013
books (to read: '11 edition)
aug 9 2013
books (forever and ever)
may 13 2013
travel (france wishlist)
mar 24 2013
school (boarding schools & orphanages)
mar 7 2013
books (2012)
jan 4 2013
books (aching to re-read)
nov 30 2012
people (heroines, breath-stealers)
nov 27 2012
observations (things I will miss)
nov 29 2011
observations (being at home)
mar 7 2011
wishlist (birthday & christmas)
dec 25 2012