• Go on a pancake tour of the U.S.
  • Sail to Morocco, or someplace far away.
  • Backpack through Europe, and take a train from Paris to Greece, and a ferry to the Grecian Islands.
  • Barcelona
  • Get a tattoo, or several
  • Go back to that drive-in in California
  • Milk a cow
  • Learn to knit
  • Stay in a hostel
  • Open a hostel?
  • Open my own bookstore
  • Attend the Sundance film festival
  • Go on tour with a friend's band
  • Go to Seattle, New York City, the Jersey shore, Baja California, Maine, Chile, Egypt, Brazil, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, Tahiti, Paris, London, Iceland, Sweden, Montreal, B.C., Germany, Alaska, Mexico City, and many more.
  • Scuba dive in Belize
  • Witness a miracle
  • Adopt a child
  • Foster a troubled teenager?
  • Have a baby
  • Take a train across America
  • Learn to speak French and Italian
  • Get married
  • Learn how to hang wallpaper
aug 4 2008 ∞
aug 7 2008 +