• Emily Day- I don't get to see you anymore, but hopefully I will come visit soon. I hate that I can't randomly call you while I'm at work anymore. You get me, for the most part.
  • Jaime Balke- You and I get annoyed with each other a lot, but I've got your back, and I can always call you to hang out. I love driving around with you and Nate. And your family is really nice.
  • Dillon S.- You are adorable, and I love sitting with you at lunch. You and Spencer can always make me laugh. And your birthmark is real cute.
  • Guy Gilbertson- I'm glad we are friends again. You are kind of weird, but I guess in a good way. Ha.
  • Andy Brown- I didn't know you lived in my neighborhood until like 2 months ago, and you and I are already good friends. I love everything about hanging out with you. Sorry about that one night, aha.
  • Emily O.- You and I get along really well, and you are dating Jon, which is cool. Homecoming is going to be amazing.
  • Brice- I miss you a lot! I'm glad we are talking to each other again.
  • Shelby Grenneth- You are new (from Detroit), and I'm so glad you are going to Boylan, because everyone else at that school basically sucks. You live in a half way house which sort of sucks because you can't go anywhere, but hopefully you will get to a level 3 and we can go drive around.
  • Cari Wayman- You do not live here anymore either, but you are nice, and I miss you as well. I hear you have an awesome rich boyfriend, hah. I want to meet him.
  • Kevin- I wish you were here.
  • Spencer- I love talking to you in study hall, and I can't wait for next weekend. You are a lot more down-to-earth than I thought you would be.
  • Greg?- I don't even know. Sometimes I think we are friends again, but other times I feel like you don't want me in your life. It's cool, whatever you decide. I just don't want to be hurt again.

asdfgljghsjkahg and all of my other "friends"

sep 14 2008 ∞
sep 14 2008 +