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graduated from TCU. getting 2nd bachelor's at UNT.
has 2 cats, Edward Jacob and Alice Victoria.
has an awesomely fantastic sister, Shay.
has a great boyfriend, Kyle.
all in all... awesome.

listography TERMS
  • managers treat you like crap
  • you never get scheduled good hours, and if you do, you don't have enough hours
  • you're never thanked for doing a good job
  • you're not given a rest, potty (even if you're on your period), or meal break
  • main event is open all hours of the night and holidays
  • you cant request holidays off
  • girls now must wear their hair up in a ponytail and your hair CANNOT touch your collar
  • they never schedule enough people so you end up doing everything all by yourself
  • they expect more people during holidays than it is in reality
  • managers walk all over their employees
  • managers allow harrassment to go on
  • managers break/bend rules for the customers so you look like an ass for trying to enforce them
  • new rules are added to company policy without any notice until yelled at for breaking rule
    • said new rules are not put in writing
  • managers don't help when you're swamped
  • managers get to sit down and eat while employees do not (even if it's not busy)
  • managers think they're God
  • managers change your schedule without telling you, even if they make you come in early and you're clueless until they call asking where you are
  • managers play favorites
  • you're never out when your schedule says you get off, even if your parents are in the parking lot waiting on you
  • you're yelled at for bringing your purse and/or coat in and leaving it under a desk (want it left in the car where it most likely will get stolen from all the break-ins there are)
  • you don't get paid nearly enough to deal with everyone's shit
nov 25 2010 ∞
nov 25 2010 +