- a word can only have 1 stress.
- in a very long word, you may have a secondary stress.
- only vowels are stressed, not consonants.
- the vowels include in english, a-e-i-o-u.
- words that end in consonants and in y → the first syllable gets the stress.
- fa/mily
- op/timal
- si/lly
- beau/tiful
- words ending in er, or, or ly → the 1st syllable gets the stress.
- do/ctor
- or/derly
- ma/nager
- 2 syllable nouns and adjectives → the 1st syllable takes on the stress.
- sam/ple
- ta/ble
- dai/nty
- pre/tty
- 2 syllable nouns and prepositions → the 2nd syllable takes on the stress.
- rel\ax
- con\ceive
- a\mong
- to\wards
apr 20 2018 ∞
apr 21 2018 +